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Q: Why were the boys so eager to paint the fence?
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How do you remove old paint from a wooden fence What is the best way to sand it and what kind of sand paper should be used?

You can use sand to remove the paint of wood with medium-grain sandpaper.Here be careful you are not to scratch the wood. Also at paint store you will get various paint remover of fence.but most of them are harmful to use. So Better that you refer any fence experts like TotalFence Inc,who will guide you in proper way to maintain fence paint.

Rashid can paint 2 square feet of fence in 10 mins how long will it take him to paint a fence that is 6 feet high by 25 feet long?

First Calculate the sq. Ft of the Fence that is as follows 6 x 25 = 150 so he has to paint 150 sq. Ft so the amount of time taken is as follows he can pain a sq. Ft by 5 minutes ( i.e. 10 /2 ) so will take 750 minutes or 12 hours 30 minutes ( i.e. 5 x 150)

Can you use latex paint for a wood fence?

What do you mean? Yes, paint on wood trim is typically latex these days. Some older homes may still have alkyd (oil), though. To find out for sure, put a little nail polish remover on a cotton swab and rub it on the paint in an inconspicuous location. It it gets soft and starts to come off, it's latex. Either way, sand it lightly and recoat with the same type of paint and you're good. If you're asking about bare wood, DON'T USE LATEX! The water will swell the grain of the wood. Use an oil primer that is made to take latex topcoats.

Can you paint a treated lumber deck?

No fence paint does not have as much wax in it and it wont last very long before you have to paint it again. As decking has a lot of foot traffic as obviously a fence does not. Take it from me I found out the hard way. Yes deck paint is more expensive but will last a long time.

Can you use exterior paint on fences?

Ive painted a lot of!!!!!! I recommend using black sote paint, because it water proofs and protects the wood very well! It can be bought at most any hardware store in 1 to 5 gallon buckets.Black sote is oil based ,and there is also white oil based paints as well.White latex paint don't preserve the wood as well and can also actually accelerate the deterioration of lumber. If you have panel fence or board fence with 6inch wide board you should use a 4inch brush with very thick bristles so it holds the paint well! be sure to stir the paint with something you don't mind ruining because sote paint is very hard to get off!!!!!!!!!! Paint the top of the post and all of the post you can see and down to about an inch from the ground! If you have facer bord in front of post which cover up the crack and nails that hold the boards on to the post i recommend you pant thows last!!!!!! Now when you paint the boards DO NOT PAINT THE BOTTOMS OF THE BORD because the bord needs to breath! Paint the top and both sides!!! When you paint the facer boards don't pant the bottoms of those either!!! Try to get in between the facer and the post as best as you can!!!! You should paint the fence when the wood is good and dry and it hasn't rained for a few days you don't want the wood wet or it wont hold the paint as well!!!!!!!!! and you want to make sure you paint on a day your really sure its not going to rain because the paint needs to dry a good 3 to 4 hours after you have put it on!!! Now to get the paint off!!! make sure you wear old clothing and shoes you don't care anything about because your going to get this stuff all over you!!! To take it off your skin you can use 70% or 90% rubbing alcohol or you can even use a lil gas if you can afford it!!! But either way you should use a dish soap something like joy is good to wash up after the gas or alcohol!!! If you get it on or in your car use finger nail polish remover and if its on the out side some thing but you should wash the spot with dish soap and water to keep the nail polish remover from messing up the paint on your car!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Caroline can paint a fence in 6 hours Her sister Lily can paint the same fences in 4 hours How long will it take them to paint the fence if they work together?

Caroline can paint half the fence in 3 hours and Lily can paint half the fence in 2 hours, so it will take a total of 5 hours for them to paint the fence while working together.

Delbert can paint a fence by himself in 11 hours and Dorothy can paint the same fence in 12 hours How long will it take them to paint the fence if they work together?

Delbert can paint the fence in 11 hours so in 1 hour Delbert paints 1/11 of a fence. Similarly, in 1 hour Dorothy paints 1/12 of a fence. So together, in 1 hour they paint 1/11 + 1/12 = 12/132 + 11/132 = 23/132 of a fence. So to paint the fence together they would need 1 / (23/132) = 132/23 hours = 5.74 hours

How did Tom Sawyer get the others to paint the fence for him?

He acts like its fun & when people start to see its fun he acts like he don't know if he wants them to take away his "fun" job. So they give his things so they can paint the fence.

How do you remove old paint from a wooden fence What is the best way to sand it and what kind of sand paper should be used?

You can use sand to remove the paint of wood with medium-grain sandpaper.Here be careful you are not to scratch the wood. Also at paint store you will get various paint remover of fence.but most of them are harmful to use. So Better that you refer any fence experts like TotalFence Inc,who will guide you in proper way to maintain fence paint.

Rashid can paint 2 square feet of fence in 10 mins how long will it take him to paint a fence that is 6 feet high by 25 feet long?

First Calculate the sq. Ft of the Fence that is as follows 6 x 25 = 150 so he has to paint 150 sq. Ft so the amount of time taken is as follows he can pain a sq. Ft by 5 minutes ( i.e. 10 /2 ) so will take 750 minutes or 12 hours 30 minutes ( i.e. 5 x 150)

How to Prep a Fence for Painting?

There are a number of things to do before painting a fence, things that should not be ignored if the paint job is to be of a high quality. Repainting a poor job is not something that one wants to do every summer, but if any of the steps are ignored, that sort of repetition will be unavoidable--unless, of course, one is Tom Sawyer. But if the steps are followed, the resulting paint job will look beautiful and last for a long time. The first step, and something often forgotten, is to mow the lawn. After that, a weed trimmer should be used to cut back any of the tall grass that was too close to the fence for the blades of the mower. This will ensure that grass doesn’t get stuck to the fence, and will also mean that the grass won’t have to be fought back for the entire painting process. After the mowing, the fence will need to be cleaned. There will doubtlessly be dirt and other material along the bottom of the fence; this is especially true after the mowing, as the weed trimmer will have thrown debris against the fence and perhaps even stained it in places. Weed trimmers are not known for their cleanliness, and getting the fence clean afterwards is necessary so that the paint will stick and go down evenly. The next step is to sand the fence. The weather and the age of the old paint will have combined so that there will be long runs of paint falling off. These need to be torn away completely; if the new paint is put over them, it will just flake off later, sometimes in a matter of days, ruining the whole job. The scratches and dents in the fence boards will also have to be smoothed out. This helps it look better, of course, but it also helps to make the brush strokes easier, as the brush will have less tendency to run over a long scar in the wood and drip paint down the front of the fence. Finally, the fence will have to be brushed off. This can be done with a rag or an air hose. The sawdust from the sanding must be removed so that the paint will stick to the wood.

Can you paint a neighbor's wall on your side?

Perhaps you have mixed up your words in your question. It makes sense if read as, "If you painted your side of your neighbor's wood fence can the neighbor make you replace it with a new wood fence?" If that is the case, you had no right to paint your neighbor's fence without their permission and the answer to your question is they can sue you in court for damaging their property.If they sue you in court and prevail, they have the right to be restored to the position they were in before you damaged their property. If the fence is new the court may award enough damages to cover a new fence. If the fence is older, the court may pro-rate the value. While your neighbor cannot make you replace the fence, the court can and you may have the added burden of legal expenses. You should try to negotiate a friendly agreement to resolve the issue either by repainting the fence to please your neighbor or perhaps offering to share the cost of a new fence.As a lifetime lesson, it is more prudent to let the neighbor know your intentions, even if it is your side of the fence, or if you think you are doing them a favor.

What is ratio used for?

A ratio is a relationship between two numbers of the same kind which explicitly indicates how many times the first number contains the second. It is used to enable us to calculate mixtures of materials, engineering applications or indicators for percentages.Some examples of ratios are:A classroom has 20 girls and 10 boys. The girls-to-boys ratio is 2:1You buy a can of white wash to paint the fence. You have to add 1 part of water to 3 parts of paint. The paint-to-water ratio is 3:1 So, If you have 5 liters of paint you will need to mix the paint with about 1,7 liters of water.A gearbox has a ratio of 1:7.25 This means when the input or drive shaft makes 1 full turn, the output makes 7.25 turns.

If you need to paint a 2 meter long and 1 meter high fence and one paint can covers 2 square feet how many cans of paint so you need?

The fence area is 2 meters x 1 meter = 2 square meters. Converting this to square feet gives 2 sq m * 10.764 sq ft/sq m = 21.528 sq ft. Each paint can covers 2 sq ft, so you would need 21.528 sq ft / 2 sq ft/can = 10.764 cans of paint, rounded up to 11 cans.

If you paint your side of a chain link fence which is exactly on the property line between your neighbors property and ours and some of the paint seeps or is accidentally found on his side are you at?

No stuff happens... you didn't do it on purpose so it isn't a huge deal. if he doesn't like it, he can grab some paint thinner and clean it off his side

What kind of a person would be eager to do something?

eager means really wants an eager person really wants to do something and get it done

Where do you divide eager into syllables?

Eager has two syllables divided like so: ea-ger.