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Q: Why were the early months of World War 2 known as the phony war?
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An early phase of World War 2 when little fighting occurred was known as the?

Phony War.

When did the phony war between France and Britain vs Germany?

The first few months of World War 2 are known as 'The Phoney War'.

Why were the early months of World War 2 referred to as the phoney war?

The Phony War was a period where there was no conflict between the western allies (Britain and France) and Germany.

What name was given to the first 6 months of World War 2?

The phony war.

What happened during the period known as the phoeny war?

do you mean phony? (1939 - 40) Early months of World War II, marked by no major hostilities. The term was coined by journalists to derisively describe the six-month period (October 1939 - March 1940) during which no land operations were undertaken by the Allies or the Germans after the German conquest of Poland in September 1939.

Why were the early months of the World War 2 referred to as the phony war?

because nothing really happen other then the invasion of Poland until the Germans decided to DOW holand (Netherlands) and Belgium, and that kinda left a hole in the French's defense and Germany flanked the French,

The months long lull in the war almost right after it began?

The Phony War

What were the first 7 months of World War 2 called?

phoney war, because little action was happening between the allies and axis powers

What is the origin of the word 'phony'?

The word "phony" has its origins in an Irish confidence game, known as fawney rig. It means not real, baseless in fact, arousing suspicion, or a scam.

What was the meaning behind the term phony war that was used at the beginning of World War 2?

When Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3rd 1939, the expected bombing didn't start and for the civilian population it didn't seem as if there was a war happening. This lasted for about six months and was known as the Phoney War.

Why were the early months of world war 2 refrerred to as the phony war?

In the "Phony War" Germany declared war on Poland after agreeing with the Soviet Union to divide Polish territory. Britain and France declared war on Gernany, but while Germany was invading Poland, Britain and France did nothing until the Germans attacked them.

What battle was known as the useless battle?

Possibly the "Phony War" fought in Europe during WWII.