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It sounds like you are talking about some experiments done many years ago attempting to replicate the conditions thought to be present at the time that life appeared on earth. Special flasks were filled with certain gases and liquids and then exposed to electricity (standing in for lightning). The experiment did not form living cells, but as I recall there were some interesting structures found in the resulting mixture.

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Q: Why were the experiments to replicate the formation of molecules conducted under conditions thought to be present on the early Earth?
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How did Stanley Miller contribute to biology?

Stanley Miller conducted experiments that showed that simple organic molecules can form from an inorganic 'soup'. These experiments show that organic molecules could have formed from the inorganic componets of the earth early in its history.

You are not quit clear how protobionts have developed as the origin of life?

Protobionts are naturally arising cell-like but not alive structures that spontaneously form in mixtures of abiotically generated organic molecules. The Fox and Oparin experiments show conditions in the early Earth can lead to their formation. The Miller-Urey and similar experiments show how early conditions on earth can lead to the complex organic molecules like saccharides and nucleotides that are needed to form protobionts.

ADP molecules on the surface of actin serve as active sites for the formation of cross bridges with molecules of?

ATP not ADP binds to actin-myosin and is cleaved by to ADP.

Difference between endocytosis and exocytosis?

Endocytosis is the cellular uptake of biological molecules and particulate matter via formation of new vesicles from the plasma membrane.Exocytosis is the cellular secretion of biological molecules by the fusion of vesicles containing them with the plasma membraneEndocytosis takes IN molecules, Exocytosis puts OUT molecules.

According to the heterotroph hypothesis what contribution did ultraviolet light heat and lightning make to the formation of the first organic molecules?

They provided energy sources.

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How did Stanley Miller contribute to biology?

Stanley Miller conducted experiments that showed that simple organic molecules can form from an inorganic 'soup'. These experiments show that organic molecules could have formed from the inorganic componets of the earth early in its history.

You are not quit clear how protobionts have developed as the origin of life?

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Miller and Urey

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Molecules considered to be prebiotic are those that are thought to have existed on early Earth and played a role in the origin of life. Examples include amino acids, nucleotides, simple sugars, and fatty acids. These molecules are important building blocks for the formation of more complex biomolecules necessary for life.

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