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Because they were trying to avoid war by giving in to Hitlers demands in the hopes that it would prevent a war but Hitler kept breaking the treaties so war was iminant.

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Q: Why were the other European countries reluctant to take steps against Hitler?
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Sweden, I believe.

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because Hitler began invading European countries.

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British,France, Russia

Did anyone fight against Adolf Hitler?

Look up the events of WW2 - European Front.

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I was the lastmwhaha

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There was the Pacific Campaign against Japan, by the United States. Then there was the European Campaign against Hitler and his European ally by the United States, Soviet Russia, Great Britain and their allies.

At beginning of the war why was Hitler allowed to continue his aggression without resistance from other European countries?

Most European nations wanted to avoid war at all costs.

Why was Hitler allowed to continue his aggresion without resistance from other European countries?

It was an effort to avoid war. its called appeasement.