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Q: Why were the people edward hargraves was working with angry that he discovered gold?
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Who were the people who discovered gold with Hargraves?

John Lister and William Tom were with Edward Hargraves when he discovered the first payable gold in Australia.

What are the famous people of the gold rush?

Edward Hargraves

Who were the people who were with Hargraves when he made the discovery of gold?

John Lister was the one who actually led Edward Hargraves to the first payable gold near Bathurst, New South Wales.

What involvement did Edward Hargraves have in the gold rush era?

Edward Hargraves Involvement in the Gold Rush era is he was a gold miner and that he helped with people to find gold. People say that he was the first to find gold in Australia But some say the he was just lucky with that government to have found gold and get rewarded for it.

What was Edward Hargraves career?

Edward Hargraves is considered to be the one who first officially discovered gold in Australia, in 1851.Gold was discovered in Australia as early as the 1830s, but discoveries were initially kept secret for a number of reasons, in particularm the fear that it would cause unrest among the convicts. Unfortunately, more and more people were leaving the Australian colonies to join the gold rush in California. The government could see it needed to do something to encourage people to remain in Australia, so it advertised for experts who could locate gold in Australian countrysides.Edward Hargraves, with considerable assistance from the uncredited prospectors John Lister and William Tom, found gold at Summerhill Creek, at a site which Hargraves named "Ophir". This provided a tentative start to the Australian goldrush.After this, the Victorian government also then offered incentives to find gold, which resulted in the discovery of gold in the Bendigo/Ballarat regions, and the subsequent major goldrush.See the related Web Links for more information.

Why did Edward Hargraves find gold when others couldn't find gold?

It is not true that Edward Hargraves found gold when others could not.There are numerous records of people finding gold. Surveyor James McBrien, for example, reported finding gold near Bathurst, NSW in 1833. There were many others who found gold unofficially. Gold was discovered in Australia as early as the 1820s and 30s, but discoveries were kept secret, for fear of sparking off unrest among the convicts. However, as more people left the Australian colonies to join the gold rush in California, the government began to seek experts who could locate gold in Australian countrysides.Gold was first officially discovered in Australia in 1851, not far from Bathurst, New South Wales. Edward Hargraves was successful because he had carefully studied the geology of the area and, convinced that it was similar to that of the California goldfields, from where he had just returned, went prospecting. He enlisted the assistance of John Lister, a man who had already found gold in the region. Lister led Hargraves directly to where gold was found, at Summerhill Creek, at a site which Hargraves named "Ophir". Hargraves has been credited with the discovery ever since, even though, by rights, credit should go to Lister.

What did Edward Jenner discovered?

In simple words, Edward Jenner found out that giving people the cowpox virus prevented people from getting smallpox.

What was Edward Hargraves significant for?

In essence, Hargraves started the gold rush. Edward Hargraves was not the first to discover gold in Australia, but these early discoveries were kept suppressed, mainly for fear that they would cause unrest among the convicts. Hargraves was the first to find gold after the government started calling for experts to find gold, so that not so many people would leave Australia for the Californian goldfields. Hargraves had carefully studied the geology of the Bathurst area and, convinced that it was similar to that of the California goldfields, from where he had just returned, went prospecting. He asked for assistance from John Lister, a man who had already found gold in the region. Lister led Hargraves directly to where gold was found, at Summerhill Creek, at a site which Hargraves named "Ophir". After reporting his discovery, he was appointed a 'Commissioner of Land', receiving a reward of £10,000 plus a life pension. The New South Wales government made the official announcement of the discovery of gold on 22 May 1851.

Why did the government want to give Edward Hargraves a reward for his discovery?

The New South Wales government offered a reward for whoever found the first payable gold because too many people were leaving Australia for the Californian goldfields. The colony faced a huge loss of labour, and the government wanted to stem the tide of people leaving the country. Edward Hargraves was lucky enough to be the one who found the first payable gold so the government had to follow through with its promise.

When did Edward Hargraves first find gold in Australia?

Edward Hargraves did not specifically want to start a gold rush in Australia. He was merely responding to the government's invitation and incentives to find gold, to stem the tide of Australians leaving for the Californian goldrushes. Hargraves's reward for finding gold was to be appointed a 'Commissioner of Land', receiving a reward of £10,000 plus a life pension. Also, there was the personal motivation. Hargraves had not had much success on the California goldfields, but he knew his chances on the untapped Australian goldfields would be greater. Hargraves had carefully studied the geology of the Bathurst area and, convinced that it was similar to that of the California goldfields, from where he had just returned, went prospecting. He asked for assistance from John Lister, a man who had already found gold in the region. Lister led Hargraves directly to where gold was found, at Summerhill Creek, at a site which Hargraves named "Ophir". After reporting his discovery, he was appointed a 'Commissioner of Land', receiving a reward of £10,000 plus a life pension. The New South Wales government made the official announcement of the discovery of gold on 22 May 1851.

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What year was gold first found in Australia?

There is much conjecture about who was the first person to find gold in Australia. It would be fair to say that perhaps we will never actually know who was the first person to find gold. However, there are some records of notable people finding gold. Surveyor James McBrien reported finding gold near Bathurst, NSW in 1823. The real facts will probably never be known.Gold was discovered in Australia as early as the 1820s and 30s, but discoveries were kept secret, for fear of sparking off unrest among the convicts. However, as more people left the Australian colonies to join the gold rush in California, the government began to seek experts who could locate gold in Australian countrysides.Gold was first officially discovered in Australia in 1851, not far from Bathurst, New South Wales. Edward Hargraves had carefully studied the geology of the area and, convinced that it was similar to that of the California goldfields, from where he had just returned, went prospecting. He enlisted the assistance of John Lister, a man who had already found gold in the region. Lister led Hargraves directly to where gold was found, at Summerhill Creek, at a site which Hargraves named "Ophir". Hargraves has been credited with the discovery ever since, even though, by rights, credit should go to Lister.