

Australia Gold Rushes

The Australian gold rushes: facts about life and personalities in the goldfields, and how the gold rushes shaped Australia's history.

828 Questions

What did Captain Moonlite do?

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Captain Moonlite, whose real name was Andrew George Scott, was an Australian outlaw and bushranger known for his criminal activities in the late 1800s. He led a gang that committed robberies and shootouts with law enforcement. Moonlite's most notorious crime was the robbery of a bank in New South Wales in 1879. He was eventually captured and hanged for his crimes in 1880.

What is the altitude of eureka mt?

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Eureka, Montana has an altitude of approximately 2,529 feet (771 meters) above sea level.

What mining method water power to separate gold from dirt?

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The mining method that uses water power to separate gold from dirt is called placer mining. In placer mining, water is used to wash away the lighter materials, leaving behind the heavier gold particles. This method is commonly used in riverbeds, streams, and beach deposits where gold is found.

How do miners separate gold from mud?

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Miners typically use a technique called panning to separate gold from mud. This involves swirling a mixture of mud and water in a pan to allow the heavier gold particles to settle to the bottom while the lighter mud is washed away. The process is repeated until the gold is concentrated enough to be collected.

Is gold found in the ground?

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Yes, gold is found in the ground as a naturally occurring element in the Earth's crust. It is typically found in veins or deposits in rocks and sediment. Mining is the primary method for extracting gold from the ground.

What do you call gold that you find on the surface?

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Gold found on the surface is called alluvial gold.

Was gold found in central otago?

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Yes, gold was found in Central Otago during the 1860s gold rush. This discovery led to a major influx of prospectors and miners to the region, which contributed significantly to the local economy and development of Central Otago.

What was the Holtermann gold nugget?

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The Holtermann gold nugget was the largest single mass of gold ever discovered in the world, found in Hill End, New South Wales, Australia in 1872. It weighed 630lb (286kg) and was estimated to contain 137 pounds (62.3kg) of gold. It was eventually broken down and melted for processing.

Where was the largest gold nugget found in Australia?

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The largest gold nugget found in Australia was named the "Welcome Stranger" and was discovered in 1869 in Moliagul, Victoria. It weighed a whopping 2,283 ounces (about 72 kilograms) and remains the largest gold nugget ever found.

What year was 'Welcome home' gold nugget discovered?

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There is no nugget known as the 'Welcome Home' gold nugget. There are two famous nuggets with "Welcome" in their name.The "Welcome Stranger" was the name given to a largest gold nugget ever found and recorded. It measured 61 cm by 31 cm and was discovered by John Deason and Richard Oates at Moliagul, western Victoria, Australia on 5 February 1869 about 9 miles north-west of Dunolly and half-way between Maryborough and St Arnaud.

The Welcome Stranger is not the same as the "Welcome Nugget" found in Ballarat in 1858 which was the largest single nugget prior to the discovery of the Welcome Stranger.

When was gold officially found in Australia?

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Gold was first officially discovered in Australia in February 1851, not far from Bathurst, New South Wales. The official announcement was made in May 1851. Edward Hargraves, with a great deal of assistance from local man John Lister, is the one who has been credited with the discovery.

Unofficially, gold seems to have been first discovered in Australia on 15 February 1823, at Fish River in the Bathurst area. Discoveries were kept secret, for fear of sparking off unrest among the convicts.

What are the largest gold nuggets found during the gold rush?

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The largest gold nugget found during the California Gold Rush was the "Mooska Nugget," weighing 195 pounds. In Australia, the "Welcome Stanger Nugget" is one of the largest ever found, weighing 2,284 troy ounces. Both nuggets are significant in size and value.

What did gold miners do on Sundays?

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Gold miners often used Sundays as a day of rest and relaxation. Some attended religious services, wrote letters home, played cards, socialized with other miners, or simply rested and enjoyed some leisure time away from the hard work of mining.

What historical event happened during the year of 1853?

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Very few significant historical events occurred in Australia in 1853. 1853 was the year that transportation of convicts to Australia from Ireland ended. (England followed suit fifteen years later.) 1854 was more significant. * Australia's first telegraph line was opened on 3 March 1854; it ran from Melbourne to Williamstown. * The first Cobb & Co coach run was on 30 September 1854, departing Melbourne for the Forest Creek diggings (now Castlemaine) and Bendigo. * The Battle of the Eureka Stockade occurred near Ballarat, Victoria, on 3 December 1854.

Is the Dust bowl a drought?

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The Dust Bowl was a period of severe dust storms that coincided with drought conditions in the central United States during the 1930s. While the Dust Bowl was characterized by both drought and wind erosion, the term is specifically used to refer to the environmental disaster caused by severe drought and unsustainable farming practices.

Was gold famous?

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Yes, gold has been famous for many centuries due to its rarity, beauty, and value. It has been used as currency, for jewelry, and as a symbol of wealth and prosperity in various cultures around the world.

When was gold first found in Australia?

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Indigenous Australians have been on the continent for thousands of years. However, Australia was first "officially" discovered in 1616.

The first landing was in 1606. Willem Jansz/Janszoon was a Dutchman who was seeking new trade routes and trade associates. He became the first recorded European to step foot on Australia's shores on the western shore of Cape York Peninsula, in February 1606. However, he believed the Cape to be part of New Guinea, from whence he crossed the Arafura Sea.

In 1616, Dutch sea-captain Dirk Hartog sailed too far whilst trying out Henderik Brouwer's recently discovered route from the Cape of Good Hope to Batavia, via the Roaring Forties. Reaching the western coast of Australia, he landed at Cape Inscription on 25 October 1616. His is the first known record of a European visiting Western Australia's shores.

What happened in history on February 5?

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Some significant events in history that happened on February 5 include the Mexican-American War officially ending in 1848 with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the first woman being elected to the United States Senate in 1932 (Hattie Caraway from Arkansas), and the birth of the modern Chinese naval force in 1949 with the founding of the People's Liberation Army Navy.

How much does gold cost per pound?

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The price of gold per pound varies based on current market conditions and demand. As of September 2021, the price of gold is around $20,000-$25,000 per pound. It is important to check with current market rates for the most up-to-date pricing.

What is the size of the Pride of Australia gold nugget?

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The Pride of Australia is about 21 cm × 12 cm × 6 cm. That's if it's still in one piece. It was stolen in a smash and grab in 1991 and its fate is unknown. It is unlikely that it still exists as a nugget.

How did the eureka stockade chage the law?

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The Eureka Stockade, a rebellion by miners in Australia in 1854, led to changes in the law by prompting the authorities to address the grievances of the miners. This event ultimately contributed to reforms in the form of greater representation for miners, improved mining practices, and the abolition of mining licenses.

Did Peter lalor kill anyone?

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Peter Lalor, an Australian leader during the Eureka Rebellion in 1854, did not kill anyone. Lalor was involved in the armed uprising against colonial authorities but was not directly responsible for any deaths during the conflict.

What did the gold miners use to dig for gold?

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Gold miners used various tools to dig for gold, including picks, shovels, and pans. They would use these tools to break apart rocks and soil to access the gold deposits hidden beneath the surface. Additionally, they may have used sluice boxes and dredges to help separate the gold from other sediments.

Why did aristotie say eureka?

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Aristotle did not say "Eureka." The exclamation "Eureka" is attributed to Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes, who reportedly shouted it when he discovered a method to determine the purity of a gold crown. The word "Eureka" means "I have found it" in Greek.

What is areka stockade about?

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Areka Stockade is a historical site in Kenya where a major battle took place in 1895 between the British colonial forces and the local Kikuyu people. The battle was part of the resistance against British colonization and is a significant event in Kenyan history. Today, Areka Stockade serves as a reminder of this struggle for independence.