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What do you consider "factual evidence disproving the existence of God"?: * the 'faith' required by scientists to believe in 'theory of Evolution' * the incomplete fossil record? * the prevalence of war, violence and hatred? * the widespread misuse of mankind's free will? Please, present any "factual evidence" you could find that would actually disprove the exsistence of God. Similarly, It would be interesting to hear some "factual evidence" that proves the existence of god. Sadly, since no real evidence to support either claim has ever been forthcoming, we as a race are still very much in the dark about this issue. Any so called proof either way is, at best pure conjecture and at worst, dogmatic and narrow minded wishfull thinking! "Religious fanatics" and scientists have more in common than either is willing to admit: they both fervently defend their beliefs and both attempt to instill those beliefs in others by hook or by crook! This is simply human nature, and the motive behind it is not readily defined by logic. On Fossil Evidence: Fossils are like the clues the police use to solve a crime.

Each one tells a story. Like clues to a crime, where the police don't have to find a print of every footstep taken by a subject or confirm every thing that he did, the clues paint a logical outline of all the events around the crime.

Like clues in a crime the police do not initially identify a person they want to pin the crime on and then seek to tie him to the event - they find a number of clues which identify potential subjects of interest. They then attempt to prove the relation of these suspects to the crime until the trail of evidence is strong and dependable. Usually multiple facts on the same evidence are considered - for a crime it might be fingerprints and video tape and eye witnesses, for fossils it could be carbon 14 and dendronchronology and geologic strata.

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Q: Why whenever faced with factual evidence disproving the existence of god do religious fanatics respond that the evidence is just there to test their faith?
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