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Q: Why won't alpaca milk taste good?
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Can you use skim milk instead of scalding whole milk in icing?

I wouldn't use skim milk. Partly because of it texture compared to like creams and 2 percents. I mean you can use skim milk it just wont taste as good and it wont be as creamy or thick as it would b e if you use a thicker millk :)

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Put something the cat wont like in the milk. That way he would hate milk cause it would taste awful for him.

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it is possible but it wont taste good.

What does it mean if an alpaca wont shut its mouth and will not eat at dinner time?

it is a weight-sensitive alpaca on its own eating schedule that also is a chatterbox.

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yea..... but it wont taste as good as if you made it fresh!

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Very good!!!! Just buy it and i promise you wont be disappointed.

Why is it important to include milk in your diet what nutrients does milk have?

The main thing is milk is an excelent source of lean protien, which will make you full and help in maintaining good body weight. Prefering skimmed milk is good as it wont have high percentage of fat, but you can have whole milk sometimes.

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yeah but it wont taste good. after it is thawed

Is warm milk good or bad for cats?

Milk is bad for cats because most cats have lactose intolerance Even if the milk is warm, it wont help. There is special milk for baby kittens or baby dogs

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a big pot, it prolly wont taste good though... : / so i wouldent recomend it

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yea you can but it wont taste so good but if youre willing to try ........ post how it was sincerley, GATORRIFICPERSON!

What if your puppy eating fine and drinking cows milk but wont drink water?

Stop giving him milk. He will drink water when he gets thirsty enough.Toughlove. It's for his own good.