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Having chicken pox - or any other viral ailment - conveys immunity only for that specific ailment or strain of the ailment (like Swine Flu).

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Q: Why won't the chickenpox virus protect a person from getting another disease?
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to protect your feet from getting any injury or a disease, it also helps to support the back.

Why is it important to be vaccinated?

well. there r many reasons but one of them is that if you are going to another country than u might get a disease and when you go back to where u came from then u might spread the disease there and then it will happen all over again to another person

Can you get chickenpox if you had measles?

Yes, you can get chickenpox after having measles. Although both are viral infectious diseases that cause rashes, they are caused by different viruses, and a history of one doesn't give immunity to the other.

Why would a vaccine against polio not protect against chickenpox?

A vaccine for polio is specifically for polio and not for chickenpox. No more than trying to say that a hamburger is a salad.

Can you get chickenpox vaccine if you're not sure if you had chickenpox?

Kids that have been vacinated against say chicken pox can in fact still get the chicken pox. This in fact just happened to my neice right before thanksgiving. In Michigan they just upped the dosage of one vaccination to two to decrease the out break of the chicken pox because one dose isn't enough to protect against that strand anymore.

Is it true that the immunity your body develops to protect you from disease is called passive immunity?

No, that is temporary immunity received from another person or from antibodies.

How long does chickenpox vaccine protect you?

Duration of protection appears to be long, but a booster is now recommended since effectiveness from a single shot was 80-85%. It is 95% effective in preventing serious disease - meaning if someone gets it, the symptoms are milder, less lesions, fever, and discomfort

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How does injecting someone with a killed bacteria vaccine protect someone from getting that disease?

There is nothing like killed disease. You have the killed microorganisms. These killed microorganisms are injected to the person. That gives rise to formation of the antibodies. These antibodies protect the person from the attack of the live microorganism.

How you can protect cow from diseases?

Vaccinate annually and put it in solitary confinement for the rest of its life away from any potential source of disease. Seriously, that's what you'd have to do to literally protect a cow from getting disease, if you're that serious about it. In reality, you can't fully protect a cow from disease, no matter what you try to do. All you can do is vaccinate your cattle regularly, quarantine new animals for several weeks before introducing them to the herd, and check them regularly for signs of illness.

How do you stop chickenpox instantly?

You cannot stop chickenpox instantly, you just have to wait. See, the bumps from chickenpox actually protect your body from harmful bacteria in your body. There is a fight going on in your body between the anitbodies and bad germs. When the anitbodies win, the bumps go away. So be patient, think of it as a war, because you can't control when wars end. But if you feel the chickenpox lasted to long, check up with the doctor immediately.

Is scarlet fever related to chickenpox and shingles?

Scabies and chicken box are unrelated infections, and having chicken pox in the past does not protect against scabies.