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because it has dropsy or bloating. You need to get some meds for it.

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Q: Why would a Siamese fighting fish not be able to swim to the bottom of the bowl and only float like a cork?
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What Fish is nicknamed the Jewel of the Orient?

That would be the Siamese Fighting Fish

What are the chances that a Siamese fighting fish will mistake a fan tail guppy for another Siamese fighting fish?

Fish are not stupid. There is no chance that a Betta splendens would mistake a guppy for another Betta.

How big should aquarium be for Siamese fighting fish?

It could be a bowl but i would say an tank

How much memory do Siamese fighting fish have?

I do not know. I would highly consider asking you local fish veterinarian.

Would Siamese fighting fish eat their babies?

Yes. If they are left in with the male for too long he will eventually eat them.

Can a non crowned Siamese fighting fish make a crown Siamese fighting fish?

If you are talking about reproduction then that would depend upon the genetics of the breeding pair. A none crowned fish (male or female) may carry crowned genes and throw some crowned young.

I'm not sure what fish to get and I was thinking maybe a Siamese fighting fish a Gourami or an Angelfish and I was also thinking about getting a 10 gallon tank?

I would recommend either a Siamese fighting fish (betta) or a molly. Both are very easily taken care of, and are gorgeous to watch.

If my pet was a Siamese would I have a dog or a cat?

Siamese is a cat breed

What would cause a Siamese fighting fish to turn color?

pregnancy *Also death and illness. Or stress. And they don't come from China!!

Will the densiy of 93 ice will it sink or will it float?

Yes, it would actually float. While less liquids sink right to the bottom

Where can you find a Siamese Fighting Fish?

Siamese Fighting Fish are available at most pet stores. Petco, Petsmart, even Walmart. But I would suggest looking at a local pet store or fish shop, one that is like a small business just not a franchise. Small local pet stores tend to take better care of their fish. You should find them in the fish section, in little plastic cups. I would recommend keeping them in half gallon or more containers, preferably with a lid but with plenty of ventilation because Siamese Fighting Fish breathe at the surface.

Can a message in a bottle float around the world?

no it would sink to the bottom of the water/ ocean