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less helium..?

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Q: Why would a balloon decrease after being in heat?
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What would happen if a hot air balloon was sealed?

It needs to be open at the bottom to get heat from the burners into the balloon to warm up the air and decrease its density. If you sealed it off, eventually heat exchange through the fabric of the balloon would could the air off enough that the balloon would no longer be bouyant and it would lose altitute.

Would a hot air balloon pilot heat or cool the air in the balloon to make it rise?

He would heat it.

how does temperature affect the size of-a balloon?

When the temperature is colder the particles in the balloon travel slower, making the balloon not able to increase in size it decreases.When the temperature is hot it allows the balloon to expand because the particles in the balloon are moving rapidly. in conclusion the the cold makes the balloon decrease in size and the heat allows it to expand.

How does a balloon that contains water last under heat?

A balloon that contains water would not last a long time under heat. the balloons latex rubber will not be able to handle the heat and will pop, but a balloon filled with air will pop instantly.

How do you deflate a balloon by using a lighter?

The heat from the lighter, when placed on the surface of the stretched surface of the balloon,would melt the plastic of the balloon and allow the air inside the balloon to escape, so deflating the balloon.

Medium balloon and small balloon filled with hellium which holds more heat?

Small Balloon because it is smaller the heat is compacted and closer so the smaller balloon has more heat.

What is the heat of the planets in order?

The heat of the planets decrease the further from the sun they are. Mercury being the warmest planet and Neptune being the coldest.

What type of temp makes a balloon blow up?

i would say heat

What happens to volume and mass in a hot air balloon?

When the air is heated inside the balloon, it expands, causing it to be lighter than the surrounding (and presumably) cooler air. One imagines however, that as the air inside the balloon is heated, some air is forced out (due to expansion), thus resulting in a decrease in the entire apparatus' overall mass (not to mention a decrease in mass due to any fuel's having been used to heat the air in the balloon).

What happens to when heat is added to a balloon filled with air?

the Balloon starts to get starts to heat up and then it pops

How does temperature affect the size of a balloon?

When the temperature is colder the particles in the balloon travel slower, making the balloon not able to increase in size it decreases.When the temperature is hot it allows the balloon to expand because the particles in the balloon are moving rapidly. in conclusion the the cold makes the balloon decrease in size and the heat allows it to expand.

Would the losses decrease if a fan is mounted on the motor shaft?

no the lose will increase but motor would not heat up and its wiring will be safe this lose will decrease