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Insecurity. They aren't very creative or interesting by themselves, so they need to create drama in life.

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Q: Why would a boyfriend make up a lie about a girlfriend and then start seriously believing it?
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Why do you need a boyfriend?

You don't. You are strong and independent.

How do you know if a boy wants to be boyfriend and girlfriend?

Start by asking him.

How do you get a girlfriend when she is not interested in you?

you cant. unless you start changing to the boyfriend she wants

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a good age to start dating is 16 your driving and you are more responsible.

Is it bad to have a boyfriend at age 13?

No , it is deffinitally not bad to have a boyfriend at 13 . This is around the age when you start to mature , and think more seriously about boys , and you have plenty of time to date , so you can start whenever you want . (:

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What my girlfriend did was say that if you dont start texting me without me having to text you then we just won't talk until you start texting me first

What does a boyfriend think when after him and his girlfriend start dating and then her grades start failing does he blame himself for that?

well, that is quite a coincidence but it is most definietly not his fault she should learn how to keep up with her grades & have a boyfriend if she can't, well then he's too good for her [:

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well to start off if its your ex boyfriend do you still have feelings for him? because that is a bad start to trying to get along with his new girlfriend. if you do have feelings for him still you most likely wont get along with his new girlfriend as you may feel a bit jelous. if you don't have feelings for him and you've tried to get along with her but you just really cant. theres only one thing to do gritt your teeth and bear it!!

What to do on a date with your new boyfriend?

Just talk to start with and then just go with the flow .. seriously that's what boys like i promise u baby girl xxx

How do you act when you meet ex boyfriend girlfriend?

When i see my ex boyfriend at high school to be honest i start acting all lik kool and stuff i dont no why but it seems to work because he looks at me lol!

How do you change religon?

Stop believing in your present religion. Start believing in a different religion.

What if a boy has a girlfriend but you want him to be your boyfriend?

Just wait a few.. he'll probably come around.. or be mean a tell some to start a rumor and the chick...