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Q: Why would a census bureau representitive come to your house?
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Which house of congress is responsible for the census?

If you're asking which house of Congress is effected by the census that would be the House of Representatives. If you're asking who controls the United States Census Bureau, it is neither of them. They created the census by the legislative process, but the enforcement of the law is headed by the President who chooses the agency director. It is a part of the Department of Commerce.

Which of these groups would not be considered a Hispanic or Latino ethnicity by the U.S. Census Bureau?


What group would not be considered a Hispanic or Latino ethnicity by the US Census Bureau?


Where can you find livestock census' for the states?

The best place to look for livestock census for all the states would be in The 2012 Statistical Abstract. Another great place to look for this type of information is The United States Census Bureau

Would you except the population of Iowa in 2010 to be more or less than 3 million?

The population in Iowa was 3,046,355 as of the 2010 U.S. Census. The estimated population in Iowa was 3,134,693 as of July 1, 2016 per the U.S. Census Bureau.

What two regions of the US are the warmest?

The Southwest and Southeast are the warmest regions in the US. However, out of the four regions defined by the census bureau, the West and South would have to be the warmest.

What percentage of Australians have a Ph.D?

The ABS Census 2006 reported that 428,800 people had a postgraduate degree of some sort, but does not break this down to specific level attained. Even if a generous estimate of 1 person in 20 of these completing a PhD, then that would be at most 0.1% of the total population.

If someone calls from census bureau what are the information they need from the individual?

It depends on what they are looking for. However, I would strongly advise you do not give personal information over the phone, such as members within the house, social security numbers, account numbers, passwords, financial information, types of cars, etc. You do not know who is really trying to acquire the information. If the census bureau really wants to know, tell them to put it in writing and mail it to you. You are not required to give any personal information over the phone. It could very well be a scam!

Who is responsible for starting the us census?

The members of the Constitutional Convention are responsible for creating the United States Census. In 1787, the US became the first nation to make a census mandatory. Article I, Section Two of the Constitution mandates that "Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states. . .according to their respective numbers. . ." In order to do that, a census would have to be taken to count the number of people. The first census took place in 1790. You can read more about the history of the census on Wiki or

Did the US Census Bureau use their confidential information to help inter Japanese Americans in World War 2?

Yes. While officially denied for years, they did acknowledge it a few years ago, some six decades after the fact. And back then, just like now, they had told all the people answering the Census that it was completely confidential and that the information (such as on race) would never be disclosed. There have been no disciplinary actions for that ever, nor has any policy of the U.S. Census Bureau ever changed in response to that complete violation of confidentiality.

Is it legal for a census worker to ask your landlord or apartment manger for your census information and for that landlord or apartment manager to release your information without your consent?

No. A census form is suppose to be filled out by the resident of the house or apartment. Unless your living quarters do not have direct access to the the outside and you must exit by walking through you landlords apartment, you are required to fill out your own. I suggest you ask this question to the Census Bureau their number is 1-866-872-6868

How many blacks in Carson City nv?

According to the US Census Bureau (2010), Carson City's population was 55,274, of which 1.9% were of African decent. This would mean there are about 1,050 Africans in Carson City.