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Many cells produce enzymes all over the body, so the answer depends on what the enzymes are. They could be the result of over-production (such as in the case of a hyperactive gland, a tumour or a genetic disease) or they could be released due to tissue damage (such as in heart attack, liver disease, muscle atrophy).

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Q: Why would a child have too many enzymes in blood?
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What amino acids are contained in enzymes?

I would imagine that there are so many enzymes that all AAs are used regarding ALL enzymes

How many of blood has an child?

5 liters

What would you change to alter enzymes?

change many things

Would enzymes function in a person's cells?

Yes, cells contain many enzymes which are able to function inside the cell.

How many liters of blood in a child?

A child is about 1/3 the body size of an adult, therefore they'll have about 1/3 the amount of blood. This means that a child will have between 2.7-3.6 pints of blood or 1.3-1.7 liters of blood.

Why is it advantageous for the human body to have many different enzymes?

Each enzymes had a specific job. Meaning one kind could not do what others can. Meaning having many enzymes would be advantageous (or neccessry) for our body to do many kinds of chemical reactions.

How many blood groups are there?

There are six types of blood type. Blood type A, B and O, all of these blood type can be positive or negative so giving the total number of blood type to be six.

Why are enzymes important in cell?

Enzymes speed up chemical reactions in a cell. without enzymes, many chemical reactions that are neccassarry for life would either take to long or not occur at all.

How many pints of blood are in a 4 year old child?

a child has average up to 10.6 pints of blood in the body

What word would contain many enzymes and can digest an injured cell in an animal or plant cell?

Lysosomes contain enzymes and digest injured cells.Lysosomes

How many miles of blood vessels in an average child's body?

there are 123212324.8