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The flooding brings silt from upstream to the bottom land, enriching the soil.

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Q: Why would a civilization choose to live near a ever that regularly floods?
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Who would a civilization choose to live near a river that regularly floods?

because then they have their source of water :)

Why would a civilization choose to near a river that regulary floods?

Water, irrigation, fertility of soil. All the earliest civilizations started there.

Why would a civilizaton choose to live near a river that regularly floods?

rivers leave fertile soil along their banks after floods

Why would a civilization choose to live near a river that regularly floods?

Rivers leave fertile soil along their banks after floods

Why would a civilization chooses to live near a river that regularly floods?

The alluvial silt that covers the land during flooding increases its fertility. This is in addition to the ready supply of fresh water required for any large societal group.

Why would people choose to build a civilization on the plain between 2 rivers?

your mom

Why would a civillization choose to live near a river that regulary floods?

Water, irrigation, fertility of soil. All the earliest civilizations started there.

Where do floods happen the most in the world?

in your mom's bathroom

How are floods like?

There are many people who would describe floods as devastating. Still others would describe them as useful and incredibly fun.

Why would floods and droughts interest human geographers and physical geographers?

because there were different storms that happen and floods would start happening

What would happen if there was too much water?

There would be floods

How did the Queensland floods affect the hydrosphere?

cause the animals cant swim ^ this is wrong, that would be how the floods affected the biosphere