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It's possible that she knew something was terribly wrong with it, or else something clicked in her head that makes me believe something's terribly wrong with that cow. You might want to consider culling her if you can't figure out any reason--health related or not--that would make her do this to her calf.

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Q: Why would a cow kill her own calf after giving birth?
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Could a single lion kill a cape buffalo?

No. A single lion would be able to kill a buffalo calf, but not a fully grown adult.

Can it kill a cow to calf to early?

No, but it will kill the calf since it is still very dependent on its mother's womb to help complete its growing processes before it is able to be born into the world. Calves that are aborted early rarely survive.

Why would a calf come out dead?

There are a lot of reasons why and reasons that often still have to be figured out yet. Here is a list of why a calf might be born dead:Lethal genetic defects such as Curly Calf SyndromeCow had in fact aborted the calf and the calf came out as a premie but didn't surviveCalf was retained in the uterus too longPlacenta detached from the uterine wall before the calf could be delivered on timeDifficult birth (see bullet #3 and #4)Malnutrition of the dam (i.e., not enough selenium results in sever White Muscle Disease of calf)Other causes that would leave even a veterinarian scratching their head...Other possible reasons that you may find a dead calf could be that you weren't out there enough or soon enough to catch a cow stepping on a calf, or a predator like a coyote, wolf, bear or even a pack of dogs chowing down on it. In the South vultures are to blame for newborn calf deaths. Screwworm flies or blow flies can infest a calf so bad that they are literally eaten alive by the maggots the flies lay on the just-born calf. Even swarms of mosquitoes and black flies can kill a young calf--driving the cow insane in the meantime.If a calf is born in the dead of winter--like on a terribly cold and stormy day--chances of survival could be questionable if you're not out there right away to put the calf in a warmer place. A calf born on a hot day may also have a slim survival rate, especially one that is of a breed not adapted to such hot-temperature days. A calf that is born in a puddle can drown.

Why do you not scream while a hamster is giving birth?

Place the cage in a quiet place, away from other hamsters and out of the stream of household traffic. Mother hamsters will kill their young when disturbed.

Can you kill a buzzard if it is killing your calf?

the law states that you have the right to defend your family, crops, pets, and livestock. so you can kill a buzzard if and only if its has to do with one of these answers

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Can a female cattle giving birth be kept in the same pasture with a female horse?

They can, but it is not wise to do so. If the horse See's the calf as a threat she may try to attack and kill it, if the cow See's the mare as a threat she may also try to attack and kill the horse. It would be best to separate them if either of them acts even slightly upset about the other being near them.

Will the bull kill the calf if left in the herd?

What calf? Is this calf this bull calf you are concerned about in other different questions, or another calf altogether? Most cases a bull won't hurt nor kill a calf that is even male or around 4 months of age.

Could a single lion kill a cape buffalo?

No. A single lion would be able to kill a buffalo calf, but not a fully grown adult.

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Crocodiles are not paragraph enough to kill an adult rhino. However, they would easily kill and eat a calf. It could be hard for a mother rhino to defend her calf if attacked by a crocodile, because crocodiles pull their prey into the water so quickly.

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Do pigs eat cows?

Not full grown mature cows, no. But a pig may go after and try to kill a young calf if it has the chance.

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Do leopards eat buffaloes?

An adult Buffalo would be too big for a leopard to tackle. But they might kill and eat a calf if they get the chance.