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Q: Why would a grasshopper population increase rapidly?
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What would happen if grasshoppers increased?

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What population would decrease if all grasshoppers died?

The grasshopper population.

What population would decrease if all the grasshoppers died?

The grasshopper population.

Why is it important that numbers of animals and plants in an ecosystem remain stable make up an example to show your point?

It is important that the population size of animals and plants to remain stable so the food chain runs fluidly. If you had a major increase or decrease of a species then that would cause drastic change to the environment. For example: given the food chain of grass, a grasshopper, a frog, a snake and a hawk if the grass population went under then the grasshopper, frog, snake and hawks population would drop because the grasshopper would eat the grass and without grass than the population would decrease along with the other. But if the frog population decreased then the grasshopper population would increase from the lack of frogs but the grass would decrease from the overpopulating grasshoppers while the snakes would decrease with the hawks. After a while though, despite the drastic over- or underpopulation, the environment would find a way to get itself stable once more.

What would lead to an increase in the increase in the inflation rate?

Rapidly rising production costs

How would the population of the woodlouse be affected if the entire centipede population is taken out of the leaf litter?

As the centipede is woodlice's predator, taking away the centipedes will remove any opposition to the growth of woodlice population, causing the woodlice population to increase rapidly.

How would a significant decrease in the grasshopper population affect a food chain?

By. There genetics

What is a Population Implosion?

Population implosion refers to a rapid and drastic decline in the population of a region or a country. This can be caused by factors such as low birth rates, high death rates, and emigration. Population implosions can have significant social and economic consequences, such as labor shortages and declining economic growth.

What is population implosion?

It would be the opposite of a population explosion. The population would decrease drastically and rapidly instead of increasing.

What would lead an increase to the inflation rate?

Rapidly rising production costs

What would lead an increase in the inflation rate?

Rapidly rising production costs

What type of leukocyte would increase rapidly during allergy attacks?
