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Q: Why would a man spray a ladies pillow with his aftershave after he is left and then tell her later he did it?
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Is perfume a good present for male partner?

Definitely, aftershave as it is more commonly called. as long as you pick an aftershave that suits them its is a good present, may i recommend Diesel Fuel for Life Cologne Splash and Spray

How do you kill lice on stuffed ainmal's?

Wash everything! bed sheets, blankets, all pillow cases in Very! hot water and then put in dryer. Buy special lice spray and SPRAY ON EVERYTHING!!

Would you recommend INTU body spray?

Yes, definitely. I like all the different fragrances and it drives the ladies wild!

What are some all natural sleep remedies?

Lavender can be used as a natural sleep remedy. You can purchase a natural lavender spray and spray it on your pillow before bedtime to relax you. You can also use yoga and mediation before bed to help relax you for sleep.

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How do you stop smelling like bo?

Daily bathing, changing clothes once a day, deodorant or antiperspirant, cologne, aftershave or body spray. Brushing teeth and mouthwash. Shoes can get funky and add to the overall smell. Being as clean and dry as possible should take care of it.

How do you make a wrestling mask?

1 just get the hoddie of a jacket and sew it together and cut eye holes and a nosepiece and if you want no one to no what your eyes look like just get stockings and sew it in the eye holes be sure to measure your head to choose colors buy white stockings and spray paint them any color and stitch on to the mask. 2 or use a pillow case and measure your head and cut eye holes be sure to use a white pillow case.if you want to put colors on your mask just use colors or white stockings but if you use white stockings be sure to buy spray paint. 3. SCISSORS[ HODDIE OF JACKET OR PILLOW CASE] [SPRAY PAINT OR MARKERS] SEWING MACHINE OR HAND SEW IT.

Does hollister have perfume that smells like hollister?

Yes, the sales assistants in hollister can be seen spraying the bottles of aftershave before hours. I've bought it myself, it's called SoCal. It's what they spray around the store and so smells exactly like the shop! It smells amazing!

How do you clean feather or down pillows that a cat has urinated on?

If can remove the pillow cover , do so. Buy a product found in pet supply stores called Simple Solutions EXTREME and saturate the pillow cover with the product, it's a spray. Spray the pillow insert itself too withe same spray. Most if not all the smell should be gone with the first try, the pillow cover will dry. You could wash the cover if washable, or dry clean it. Though neither will get rid of all the smell , but it will make you feel that it is cleaner. If the pillow insert is really bad, you could for very little money replace the insert. Measure it and look on line there are plenty of retailer's on line who sell 5% down , 90% feather inserts. Some are well under $10.00. I personally feel that cats are very attracted to the smell of feather pillows in general.

What year did lynx body spray hit the market?

It was made in France in 1993 by later than called Axe

How do you get stains off clothes?

use soap and water immediately. i find that effective in a needy situation. if at home spray with spray and wash and let it sit and later ion wash it and the stain shall come out

Do you have to put every thing in a plastic bag when you got lice?

yes spray with lice bedding spray and put it in a plastic bag tie it up for two weeks. tie it tight!...........bed covers, pillow cases,all of your stuff. a louse(one bug) can lay up to 100 hundred nits(eggs) on your head.