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  • The ex mistress should get the hint that this married man regrets having the affair; wants to stay with is wife and the relationship he had with his mistress is over and that is the reason he is not answering the emails or mentioning them when he sees her. The percentage is high for mistresses losing out when dating a married man.
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Q: Why would a married man get 2 emails from his ex mistress to give him a heads up on something and she know he read the emails but he never responded back then when he sees her says nothing about them?
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There are no rules for the mistress. Most mistresses are simply there for the excitement and sexual pleasure of the man and there is a high percentage that the mistress comes out of the relationship with nothing including her dignity; heartache and possibly depression. Married men seldom ever marry their mistress.

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Shakespeare says: 'My mistress's eyes are nothing like the sun'

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Shakespeare says: 'My mistress's eyes are nothing like the sun'

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The rhyme scheme of Shakespeare's Sonnet 130, "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun," is ababcdcdefefgg.

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They come up with a slew of BS reasons! Usually it involves children, money, workplace, and comfort. If he supposedly gets nothing from the wife, then he has no reason to stay with her..... at which point you can assume he's lying, to his wife and to his mistress. A LOT.

What is the form of the poem your mistress eyes are nothing like the sun?

It's a sonnet.