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maybe the pups might fight or maybe the one out wants to play.

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Q: Why would a mother dog with only two pups separate them one out of the box and one in?
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If I have a pregnant hamster and another hamster in the same cage what will happen?

Make sure to separate the two when the time comes for the mother to have the pups! If it's the father, I'm sure he would try to eat the pups after birth.

Who is the best animal mother?

The best mother of the animal kingdom is the wolf. She would risk her life for her pups!

Do gerbils eat there own pups?

Gerbils only eat there pups if something is seriously wrong. (Dehydration, sick or injured pups, ect.) This not only applies to the mother, but also the father. Gerbil's make great dads.

Do dogs pups separate?

yes they do.

How many pups can a mother mouse have in one litter?

3-14. Mine only had 3 :-/

What if the mother doesn't no how to care for her pups?

try to bottle feed her pups

Mother just had pups 2 days ago after bathing mother to get rid of fleas how can you get I rid of fleas on pups?

Newborn pups: give bath in sink. Pups: give bath in sink :D

Baby bat name?

Baby bats are called pups. Pups can weigh as much as 25% of the mother's weight at birth, and they usually only give birth to one pup.

Can you still grab the father or the mother hamster if they have babies?

You can hold the dad, but not the mom or pups. The dad should be separated from the pups but you could hold him. The mom would eat the pups if you touched them, or sometimes even her! Never touch the pups until they are old enough.

Can pups go at 6 weeks?

Pups should leave their mother no earlier than 8 weeks. This is for the health and well being of the pups. Pups who leave their mother's and family's before 8 weeks have a higher rate of illness.

Do the mother mice neglect their pups if you touch them?

No she would not but it is better off to let the mother deal with the pups till the pups eyes open. If you have to touch them take a towel and rub the mother down them pick the pup up with the towel. Be sure not to leave your scent on the pup or the mother will not take care of the pup and it will die.

Can a mother give her pups heartworms?
