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Q: Why would a scale M to determine distance m?
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Determine distance traveled and displacement if you walk 100 m forward and then 35m backward?

it would be 100 - 35 = 65 m

On a map the distance between Atlanta and Georgia and Nashville and Tennessee is 12.5 in The actual distance between these two cities is 250 miles what is the scale?

You would divide 250 miles by 12.5 to find out how many miles is one inch. So the scale would be 1 in = 20 m

Why would a map scale show 1 m equals 400 m?

because that's the scale the map is drawn at...

What is the scale factor for 12 cm equals 18 m?

It is the same as 2 cm = 3 m or 1 cm = 1.5 m The scale ratio would therefore be 150:1

A bike accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 7.10 ms over a distance of 35.4 m Determine the acceleration of the bike?

0.712 m/s^2

A tortoise and a hare are running in a race distance is vertical scale of your graph and time is the horizon scale tortoise keeps crawling at constant rate confident he will win every once in a while?

Assuming the y-axis represents distance from the finish line, and they both move at a constant velocity IOW v(t)=m(t)+b, the animal with the higher negative m-value will win every time. If the hare's velocity changes at times, then his average velocity would determine his finish time. If the hare's (v(t+h)-v(t))/h results in a higher negative slope than the turtle's, the hare would still win. .

What is the scale on the map?

a sign that says, "north, east, south, west"

How can you tell that some stars are relatively close to us in the sky?

If a star has some parallax - if its position against the background stars appears to be a teeny bit different in January than in July - then we know it's pretty close, and we can calculate precisely how far away it is.

If you wanted to make an accurate scale model of the hydrogen atom and decided that the nucleus would have a diameter of 5 mm what would be the diameter of the entire model in m?

The diameter of the entire model would be about 22 meters at the furthest points if your atom was a hydrogen atom. This is based upon the relative size of the different pieces of the nucleus, electrons and distance between them.

What is the distance around M M and M?

None. M, M and M are the same so they are coincident and, consequently, the distance around them is zero.

How origin and scale effect arithmetic mean?

Suppose a set of observations for a variable X has a mean mx.If a scale factor of a is applied to the observations, and the origin is shifted to the left by a distance b, then the new mean will be (m/a)*x + b.

How To convert from km to m?

Multiply the distance in km by 1000 to get the distance in m.