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You can still have a urinal infection. You get that from bacterias whether you have sex or not.

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Q: Why would a woman have a sore vagina after urination with blood if she had no sex?
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Do white boys scorn a black woman's vagina?

Most don't feel that way these days. Only the most racist would look down upon a Black woman's vagina. To most men, a vagina is a vagina, and they want to use it.

What do you call sucking on a woman's vagina?

It would be called oral sex.

What hole should be penetrated to make a woman pregnant?

Penetration would occur in the vagina for a woman to get pregnant.

What is the best place to detect vaginal estrogen level in vagina And which method is used to detect estron in vagina And what is the normal vaginal estrogen value should be?

To the best of my knowledge the level in your blood is the same as the level in your vagina. So a doctor who orders a blood test would be the person to give you the information you requested. You can see the sex hormone blood values at the link. Estrogen levels change, throughout your cycle and throughout your lifetime. Before, during and after ovulations the level fluctuates. A woman who is 35 should have a very different level than a woman who is 55, but they would both be normal.

Does period blood and implantation blood smell the same?

i would imagine so as they both come from the vagina. and it is still the wall of the vagina coming away however it is a smaller amount with implantation

If you blow in a girls vagina would you kill her?

Generally no. This is safe to do when the woman is not pregrnant. During pregnancy, a woman's circulatory system is more open to the atmosphere. So breathing into a pregnant woman's vagina could lead to air embolism, and that can be fatal.

Why would a creamy white substance come out of my cats vagina after being spayed?

The same reason a creamy white substance would come out of a woman's vagina. There is an infection and she needs antibiotics!

How does the blood leave the body during menstruation?

The blood in your period is actually your uterine lining shedding. It simply goes from the uterus, out a small opening in the cervix, then through the vagina and out of your body. Normally, a woman would use a sanitary towel ("pad") or tampon to absorb the blood, to enable her to dispose of it hygienically.

There is often pain at pubic synphysis and a few drop of blood after urination is sometimes occursI would like to know what will it cause?

Pain at the pubic symphysis and blood after urination could be indicative of a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, or inflammation in the urinary system. It's important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Will your girlfriend get pregnant if you just humped her vagina?

The woman would not get pregnate depending on part of the pussyyou hump.

What do the symptoms of desiring food and water with frequent urination and a normal adh level indicate?

Would be a good time to get that Blood sugar tested.