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Q: Why would about 30 magpies gather together?
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What size gruops did cro magnon live in?

Cro-Magnon groups likely ranged in size from 20 to 30 individuals. These groups would have consisted of extended family members and would have worked together to hunt, gather food, and care for one another. Cooperation within the group was crucial for their survival in the harsh prehistoric environment.

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The answer would be 17.

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I would say no more than 30 ft apart.

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I would go to You-tube.they have some great videos of firearm takedown and reassembly.

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Just gather terms. 9f + 16f = 25f ==========

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Where are there maple trees on runescape non members?

On the Daemonheim Peninsula. However, in order to access these trees (which are grouped together near some Willow trees) you will require level 30 Dungeoneering in order to access the peninsula. This is the only location where free players can gather maple logs.

How long does the average magpie live?

average lifespan of the magpie is unknown, some individuals have been known to live for up to 30 years. Suburban magpies are also exposed to harm from people throwing things at them or destroying their nests. These birds are also commonly killed by cars. Magpies can also be killed by domestic cats and a range of native predators including goannas, peregrine falcons, crows and ravens.

What is 16 plus 14?

The answer is 30. Simply add the numbers together arithmetically as you would for the problem two plus two. To check your work, a calculator is the best option.

What two numbers multiplied together = 40 and added together = -30?

20 TIMES 2 = 40 AND 40+-70=-30

What is seven fifteenths plus five sixths?

7/15 + 5/6 = ? The common denominator between them is thirty. So you would do 30/6 to get 5 then multiply 5 by 5 and get 25/30, then you would do 30/15 to get 2 then multiply 2 by 7 and get 14/30. Then simply add 14 and 25 together to get 39/30 and since 30 goes into 39 once that is 1 and 9/30 or 1 and 3/10.