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Bonds are formed between two atoms because that results in a more stable state for the atoms. This is a result of electron configuration where most atoms want to have 8 electrons in their outer-most orbital (there are exceptions to this rule, however).

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Q: Why would an atom want to form bonds with other atoms?
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Each carbon atom can covalently bond with as many as four other other atoms. Answer is 4.

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Carbon can bond to a maximum of four other atoms.

Why can't there be a quarternary alcohol?

A carbon atom can form a maximum of four bonds with other atoms. A quaternary alcohol would require carbon to form five bonds: four to other carbon atoms and one to the oxygen of the hydroxyl group.

How does a atom transfer charge?

By colliding with other atoms, they share electrons and make bonds.

Why atoms share covalent bonds?

covalent bonds are when one atom shares the same valence electrons with another atom other.Covalent bonds are how atoms stay together

Why would an atom to form bonds with other atoms?

Bonds are formed between two atoms because that results in a more stable state for the atoms. This is a result of electron configuration where most atoms want to have 8 electrons in their outer-most orbital (there are exceptions to this rule, however).