

Why would antibiotics not help if you had a flu?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Influenza is a viral disease and antibiotics do not affect viruses, only bacteria.

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Q: Why would antibiotics not help if you had a flu?
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Would antibiotics help when having the swine flu?

Not in the slightest.

What is wrong with people taking antibiotics to help the flu?

Antibiotics only treat bacterial infections. The flu is a virus. Thus it has no effect against it.

Will antibiotics help you recover from the flu quicker?

The flu is caused by a virus (viruses). Antibiotics ONLY treat bacterial infections. Therefore, an antibiotic will do absolutely nothing for a person with the flu.

What is adverse effect of using antibiotics in treating flu?

Antibiotics will not help when you have flu because antibiotics only kill bacteria and influenza is caused by a virus, you would only end up with the side effec ts from taking medication you don't need when you are already unwell.

Does azithromycin help with a severe cold or flu?

No. Antibiotics do not help viral infections such as the cold or flu. Antibiotics are specifically for helping with treatment of bacterial infections or for preventing bacterial infections and do nothing to an inanimate virus.

Why do antibiotics have an effect on Swine Flu?

They do not have an effect on swine flu, but can be helpful if a secondary bacterial infection occurs with the flu or after the flu. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses. The flu is caused by viruses. Antibiotics are for treating infections by bacteria, not for treating infections by viruses.

Why anitbiotics will not help you to get over a bout of flu?

Since the flu is a severe upper respiratory infection caused by a virus, antibiotics cannot affect them as viruses are not living and antibiotics only affect living microbes.

Would you take antibiotics for the flu?

No, not to treat the flu itself because antibiotics don't affect viruses, they are used only for bacterial infections. Sometimes people with the flu develop secondary bacterial infections and then antibiotics may be given to treat or prevent this complication. See the related question below for how influenza is treated.

Is amoxicillin good for flu?

No, swine flu is a virus and amoxicillin is an antibiotic which means it only fights bacteria. The effects of Swine flu can lead to infections that may or may not require the use of an antibiotic like amoxilin. However the amoxilin does not fight the Swine flu virus it fights the infection that is caused by the original presence of the virus. Your immune system takes care of the virus.

Are there antibiotics for bird flu?

There are no antibiotics for the bird flu. Influenza (all types) is caused by a virus, and hence can't be treated with antibiotics (antibiotics only work with bacteria).

Why don't doctors prescribe antibiotics if you have the flu?

antibiotics can be powerful.

Are viruses responsible for influenza?

Yes, viruses are responsible for influenza. That's why antibiotics don't help when you have the flu.