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Q: Why would decomposer and detritivores be called the environment recycles?
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Bacterium that feeds on dead things is?

They are called decomposers although they may have more specific names than that the general term is decomposer or more scientifically saprobes and detritivores

Carbon recycles from living plants and animals back into the nonliving environment in a process called?

I don't know look for it

What does detritivores?

The organism which consume detritus are called detritivores e.g., earthworm.

Is a Tasmanian devil a decomposer?

It depends on your definition of decomposer. Tasmanian devils eat primarily carrion, but may also eat live animals. Most people would call them carnivores or scavengers (carrion-eaters). "Decomposer" usually refers to bacteria and fungi, not big animals like a Tasmanian devil. Sometimes, certain animals are called detritivores because they eat decomposing organic matter. However, this decomposing organic matter that they're referring to is usually not carrion, and these detritivores are usually, like, earthworms, rather than bigger animals. Technically, I guess the Tasmanian devil is a decomposer, because it eats decomposing dead matter, but it's usually called a scavenger or a carnivore.

What is dead organic matter called?


Saprophytes are also called?

Detritivores or Saprophages.

What organisms feed on dead plants and animals and helps recylce them?

The organism's are called detrivores, or decomposers.

What is plant tissue called?

detritus , which is the food for detritivores

Organisms that obtain nutrients by breaking down dead and decaying plants and animals are called?

Organisms that break down wastes an dead organisms and return the raw material to the environment are called decomposers.

What is dead plant tissue called?

detritus , which is the food for detritivores

Why do liver is called a recycling bin?

it recycles waste in the body

Plants and animals remain and other dead matter are collectively called?
