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It could be possible the pepper was not dried all the way and began to decompose, although the smell of most rotting foods is a bit earthy.

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Q: Why would ground pepper clump and smell like ammonia?
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What are facts about ammonia?

The smell of ammonia isn't a smell, it is a chemical burn. Even people with anosmia can detect the "smell" of ammonia

What about the smell of ammonia?

Ammonia is a gas generally. It has a very bad smell.

What does it mean if you smell ammonia in your nose?

The most common cause of having an ammonia smell in your nose is your diet. People who have a high protein and low carbohydrate diet can smell ammonia and their sweat can actually smell like ammonia too.

What does ammonium nitrate smell like?

A distinct pungent odor that lingers and penetrates nearly everything. Will smell somewhat of traditional ammonia with a slight burning plastic smell

Does ammonia have smell?

Yes ,it has a smell. It has a characteristic smell.

Can you smell ammonia?


What can be causing an ammonia smell in the bathroom?

Ammonia smell is how urine smells. Perhaps the toilet is not cleaned well enough.

Is there ammonia in cheese?

No, but some cheeses start to smell of ammonia when they are over-ripe. If the smell is very strong, discard the cheese.

Why aqueous solution of ammonia gives pungent smell?

ammonia is a pungent smelling gas.wfen dissolved in water,ammonium hydroxide is formed.thus,the pungent smell is due to ammonia gas.

Why does brie smell like ammonia when it is too old?

The protein in Brie cheese is consumed and converted by the culture used to create it. As the process continues, the conversion of the protein to ammonia develops. At colder temperatures, the ammonia is trapped in the cheese and cannot evaporate out as well. Exposing the interior of the loaf will allow some of the ammonia to evaporate off, thus the unpleasant ammonia aroma off a cold loaf. As the interior is exposed to atmosphere and allowed to warm, the latent ammonia will dissipate out of the cheese. As the cheese warms, the conversion process can become more vigorous, especially in the presence of moisture, and the ammonia smell may get stronger after initially dissipating. I've always been able to detect at least a slight ammonia smell from any Brie I eat, no matter the quality or freshness. It is a natural, albeit slightly undesirable quality. It does not mean the cheese has gone bad, just that it is getting past it's ideal ripeness. If the smell of ammonia is strong and the cheese loaf has collapsed, then it is well past it's ideal ripeness and shouldn't be served or most will find it offensive. One way to mask the ammonia smell is to apply fresh ground black pepper to the brie in sufficient quantity but do not overdo it.

Why does fish smell like ammonia after cooking if it was frozen?

Cod fish or any type of fish will have ammonia like smell when it is no longer fresh. This smell will begin to appear as you are cooking it. It may also have a taste that is similar to ammonia, too.

Why do babies diapers smell like ammonia in the mornings?

because there is ammonia in pee