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Q: Why would grouping organisms into kingdoms based on size not be a good idea?
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Is the science of grouping and naming organisms based on similarities and differences.?

yes and that would be taxonomy.

What kingdoms organisms would you expect the new planets organisms to resemble?


What is a dichotomous grouping?

Dichotomous grouping is the dividing of a collection of organisms or objects into two groups based upon a single trait. An example of this would be to separate all the plants in a forest into two groups based upon whether they have a woody stem (like a tree trunk) or a not-woody stem (like a grass blade or the stalk of a flower).

How would you describe 5 kingdoms?

There are five kingdoms of organisms in the world. They are kingdom Animalia, kingdom plantae, kingdom Protista, kingdom fungi, and kingdom monera.

How would you describe the 5 kingdoms?

There are five kingdoms of organisms in the world. They are kingdom Animalia, kingdom plantae, kingdom Protista, kingdom fungi, and kingdom monera.

In which domain would multicellular organism be classified and explain your answer?

all organisms were classified as either plants or animals. The only domain with multicellular organisms is the domain Eukarya, which contains the 4 kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Protista and Fungi are the only kingdoms that have both unicellular and multicellular organisms.

What are grouping objects or information based on similarities?

Grouping objects or information based on similarities is called classification. This process involves organizing items or data into categories or classes based on shared characteristics or features. It helps in making sense of complex information and simplifies decision-making and analysis.

What is a taxonomy of related phyla or divisions?

A taxonomy of related phyla or divisions may include grouping organisms based on shared characteristics such as body structure, reproductive strategies, or genetic relationships. For example, animals within the phylum Chordata share a defining characteristic of having a notochord at some stage of their development. Another example is grouping plants into divisions based on the presence or absence of vascular tissue, such as the division between nonvascular plants (Bryophyta) and vascular plants (Tracheophyta).

To which kingdom would a single-celled eukaryotic organism that gets energy from photosynthesis belong?

Single celled organisms are found in the Kingdom Protista.

Another possible way to classify organisms would be separte them into unicellular and multicellular organisms explain why this would not be a useful classification system?

Separating organisms into unicellular and multicellular categories might not be useful because some unicellular organisms may be more closely related to multicellular organisms than to other unicellular ones. Additionally, this classification overlooks important differences within each group, such as varying levels of complexity or ancestral relationships. Therefore, grouping solely based on cell number could oversimplify the diversity and evolutionary history of organisms.

Whats a unicelluar eukaryote?

Unicellular Eukaryotes are often called "protists", however this is no longer a grouping in modern cladistics. The generalized grouping of organisms are still referred to as "protista" always in quotes because many of these animals are difficult to place. A few examples would include amoebas, paramecium and euglena.

What is the definition of taxonomy?

a method of grouping organisms a way of classifying organisms