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Q: Why would it make more sense to call a combination lock a permutation lock?
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Why are combination locks so called when they are in fact permutation locks?

They are called combination locks because that is the general, conventional term used. Trying to call them permutation locks is mixing different areas of usage together and that is not valid.

How many 4 number combinations are there using numbers 1258?

4! = 4*3*2*1 = 24Technically speaking, there are 24 permutations because that is the correct math term when the order matters. Meaning, 1258 is no the same as 1285.In English we commonly use the word "combination" loosely, without thinking if the order of things is important. In math we should be precise. If the order matters, we should call it a permutation. Along those lines, the locks that we commonly call combination locks would really be called permutation locks. That is why I say we use the term loosely.So a permutation is an ordered combination.

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I would call it common sense. PS: there is no phobia around that, isn't everyone sorta afraid of that?

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That would seem to make sense. Call your insurer and ask.

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I call it common sense. To be politically correct, the closest answer would be "vestiphobia" which is a fear of clothes in general.

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