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Q: Why would life be difficult for the animals if the decomposers disappeared?
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What would happen if decomposers vanished?

If the decomposers of the world disappeared then there would be a lot of dead things lying around the world. Humans would also not get all the nutrients they needed because plants wouldn't be able to survive.

How would the removal of decomposers from earth's biospheres affect the carbon nitrogen and phosphorus cycles?

Decomposers eat the dead animals, so any animals involved in the the cycles will turn into fossil fuels.

What would happen if all the Tertiary animals in a food chain disappeared?

Other animals will die and eventually we will to.

How would a food be affected if a species disappeared from an ecosystem?

All the other animals would die on the food web because there food disappeared! its a chain reaction

What would happen is decomposers vanished from the earth?

our earth would be stinky dirty there would be dead animals everywhere

What do you think would eventually happen if there were no decomposers?

Without decomposers, dead leaves, dead insects, and dead animals would pile up everywhere. Imagine what the world would look like!

What might happen if the producer disappeared?

if the producers disappeared the other animals such as the primary, secondary,and tertiary consumers and the decomposer would not have anything to eat because the producers would not exist so all the other animals would become extinct.

What will happen to the dead animals if there were no bacteria?

Without decomposers dead animals would just lay dead on earth forever.

What would happen if there are no decomposers?

If there are no decomposers dead animals will still remain and if dead animals will still remain our surrounding will be teribly. Decomposers are used to decompose the dead animals and fertilizing the plants so if there are no decomposers there are no plants. If there are no plants there will be no cows (an example of an animal that eats a plant) if there are no cows what will we eat? Vegetables ? But plants are dead so what will we eat now? So thats the importance of decomposers.

Why are decomposers important in an ecosystem?

If there were no decomposers then the ground would be littered with leaves, sticks, trees and dead animals. Also when something gets decomposed, its like fertilizer.

Are brittle stars producers consumers or decomposers?

are brittle stars decomposers

What would happen to an ecosystem without decomposers?

If there was no decomposers in an ecosystem then all the remains and waste of animals and plants would be lying around for there would be no decompostiton of that waste. Also, if there was no decomposers then none of that natural nutrients can be returned back to the ecosystem.