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Q: Why would living animals have a difficult time if all the decomposers disappeared?
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How do decomposers resupply elements to producers?

Decomposers eat and digest the dead plants and animals and their waste is natural compost for living plants.

How are scavengers and decomposers the same?

Actually, decomposers and scavengers aren't the same. Decomposers are living things that decompose animals. Scavengers are living things that eat parts of dead organism.-Hope this helps!

Does decomposers reduce the remains of living things or that of the nonliving things?

Decomposers reduce the remains of dead living things which were once alive, like dead leaves/plants (litter) and other dead animals. Decomposers break down dead living things into nutrients to add to the soil for plants to grow.

Do decomposers eat plants?

Decomposers do not their own food. These animals are born to break down the wastes left by the animals around them.

What do decomposer's break down?

Decomposers break down dead or once living organisms. Without decomposers, the earth would be littered with the bodies of dead animals, plants, and other organisms

What are living things that recieve energy by feeding on dead plants and animals?

Decomposers feed on dead organisms. Decomposers include bacteria, some types of fungus, and a few others that you can look up

How are animals helpful to living things and the environment?

They provide CO2 for plant respiration. Their corpses provide nutrients for decomposers and plants. They feed on/provide food for other species of animals.

Are dolphins decomposers?

Sea worms are decomposers which are very useful in creating a balanced ecosystem. Decomposers are living factors that break down plant and animals completely.

Do decomposers get all of there energy from the sun?

The sun is not a decomposer. Decomposers are living organisms.

Why are decomposers in the desert?

Decomposers are needed everywhere that there is life. These organisms are responsible for breaking down dead material and returning the nutrients back to the environment for future use. Without decomposers, life would end because there would be no available nutrients for living and future plants and animals to consume.

Why do animals need decomposers?

Decomposers are essential to maintaining a health ecosystem. Animals are part of a natural cycle which moves energy and organic matter to all living organisms. The cycle flows from producers to consumers (animals and other heterotrophs) to decomposers. Decomposers break down dead organisms (plants, animals, etc) into basic organic matter. The organic matter then becomes the building blocks for producers such as plants, phytoplankton and seaweed. Animals then eat these producers completing the cycle. Without decomposers the tissues of dead organisms would build up and the organic matter and nutrients within them would not be available to support new life, thus breaking the cycle.

What are dead microorganisms called?

The living things are called decomposers (also known as detrivores).