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There isn't a real answer to this. No one knows why it happens. It is just one of those mysterious things doctors can't usually explain.

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Q: Why would one twin vanish before 7 weeks?
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Is it normal for one twin to vanish after seeing the heart beat?

From what I have read vanishing twin occurs in approximately 30% if twin pregnancies and occurs in the first trimester. I would not say it is normal, but it is not uncommon. I am so sorry for your loss.

What is fullterm for twin pregnancy?

37 weeks. but the average is 32-36 weeks when they are born.

Can a sonogram miss a twin at 15 weeks?


What huge events happened before 1999?

twin towers i thought people would of had it on this

Do you say twin is or are?

"Twin" is singular, so you should use "is" with it. For example, you would say "My twin is coming over."

Do you pass a twin if one dies in utero?

i was pregnant with a set of twins. one passed on at 13 weeks enutero and the other made it to 29 weeks before coming a bit early. the twin that passed had (i suppose you could say) mumification going on. when i found out the one twin had died, it was because i thought my water had broken so off to the hospitol to find out it was the passed on baby's fluids, and not her sister. (oh and my daughter born at 29 weeks, she will be 7 this year. best of luck, i hope that helped a bit, i know it's not all sciencey,but that is my story of faternal twin demise.

You are a surviving twin before birth your mother miscarried at 4 months and you were still in the womb what affects would that have on you as a twin Would there be a lost connection a missing link t?

This is a psychological question rather than a pregnancy one. My husband is an identical twin, and we have fraternal twin son/daughter. when asked what it is like being a twin they can't say, any more than I can say what it is like to be a singleton. Elvis Presley was a twin, his twin died at birth.

Is Brandon Jackson the twin of marlon Jackson and died at birth?

Marlon Jackson's twin brother was a stillborn, as a result of an emergency c-section. They were several weeks premature.

What is twin to twin transfusion?

Twin to Twin Transfusion syndrome is a disease of the placenta in identical twins. The twins share both blood and nutrients. The placenta shunts more blood and nutrients to one twin while starving the other twin. There is only a 20% of survival and most all who survive are pre-term. My girls survived and we were diagnosed at 17 weeks. They were born at 30 weeks, 1lb 15 oz and 2 lbs 14 oz.

Is it possible that you are pregnant if you are two weeks delay?

Yes, longest delay was 14 weeks, and his twin sister came out one week after that.

First Ultrasound was at 15 weeks 0 days Baby measured 15 weeks 2nd Ultrasound was at 17 weeks 0 days baby measured 17 weeks 4 days and doctor is very concerned Why?

There is a possibility she will have a big baby. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I bet another ultrasound has been booked that will be fine. I was induced at 36 weeks becasue Twin 2 wasn't growing. Twin 1 weighed 4lb 15ounces, Twin 2 weighed 6 lb 3ounces!!

How early can you receive braxton-hicks contractions with a twin pregnancy?

your uterus actually contracts starting arounf 8 weeks. but you dont feel them til later on. With my experience with my twin pregnancy, i started really feeling them around 20 weeks. And now at almost 29 weeks, theyre pretty intense!