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Q: Why would osha pay a surprise visit and what are the rules?
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Can OSHA make surprise visits?

I am learning about OSHA in my college courses and as far as I can tell, they are not allowed to make surprise inspections. They must be scheduled with the head of the organization ahead of time.

What are 10 rules set out by OSHA?

The 10 rules set out by OSHA are listed at Another good site is

If you disregard safety rules what can OSHA do to you?

If you are a supervisor or manager acting as a representative of the management of your company when you disregard safety rules enforceable by OSHA, OSHA can fine your company and issue citations. If your disregard results in the death of an employee, OSHA can recommend that the Federal Attorney file criminal charges against your or your company. If you are an employee but not acting as a manager of your company when you disregard safety rules that are enforceable by OSHA, OSHA can cite your employer and impose fines on your employer for failure to require you to follow the safety rules. Bottom line, if you disregard safety rules, accidents will happen that will cause health and safety risks - injuries and fatalities and you will definitely get a lawsuit out of it.

How can i find out about Osha certifications?

To find information about Osha certifications you can visit the OCHA homepage through the internet. On this page you will be able to find all of the information that you will need to become OSHA certified.

What is an OSHA fine?

And OSHA fine is an amount of money that must be paid by an employer because OSHA determined that the employer violated an OSHA regulation. Certain rules and regulation in the workplace and operations of sites such as construction sites were created by OSHA to improve safety of the workers. If they have found companies operating without being compliant to their rules, they give them penalties to pay for - something that is better than having to pay for someone's life.

What are the OSHA rules for fire extinguishers?

The OSHA regulations set the requirement to have extingishers, refers to the NFPA standards, and sets a requirement to train workers to use them.

Does a follow up visit to the doctor make an injury OSHA recordable?

A followup doctors visit may make an injury OSHA recordable, but whether it does depends on the specific circumstances. The determination should be made by someone familiar with the particular case as well as with the OSHA regulations for injury and illness recording.

Are pants required by OSHA on a job site?

Versus no pants? Or a skirt??? Would depend on the type of job I would suppose. The rules would be posted at the job - or the employer will tell you what is expected / safe.

Do OSHA rules apply to government?

OSHA regulations apply directly to the US Postal Service. Most other Federal agencies have internal rules that say they will follow the OSHA regulations, but this may not include giving OSHA the authority to inspect their operations and issue citations or fines. OSHA regulations do not apply to state governments or their subordinate units like state universities, country or city government, etc. If a state has established an OSHA-approved State program, then the State equivalent of OSHA enforces regulations that are at least as stringent as those of OSHA, and they must apply to all state and local governments or OSHA cannot approve the program. About half the states have such programs.

whut are osha regulations for silkscreening company?

You will need to contact a specialist in OSHA regulations to determine if your silkscreening business is in compliance. For more help visit OSHA's compliance page:

Why would a company receive an OSHA Citation?

A company would receive an OSHA citation if an OSHA inspector determined that the company was not in compliance with one or more OSHA regulations, and that determination was confirmed by the relevant OSHA Area Office and survived any appeals that were filed by the company.

How many exhaust fans will I need for a warehouse?

There are building codes and OSHA rules you must follow. Building codes can be obtained at your local court house. OSHA can be contacted at