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Q: Why would someone be on 210 mg of methadone?
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How many mg are in a teaspoon of methadone?

My friend takes the liquid methadone from the clinic - she said 1 tsp contains 50mg of methadone.

How to Convert 1 mg of methadone to 1 ml?

1 ml of methadone liquid = 10 mg of methadone

What is the mg conversion of methadone to Oxycontin?

10mg of methadone is equal to 80 mg of oxycontin

How many ml are in 210 mg of methadone?

This is not a valid conversion. Milliliters (mL or ml) and liters (L) are measures of volume. Grams (g), kilograms (kg) and milligrams (mg) are measures of weight or mass.

What is stronger 10 methadone or 4 mg Dilaudid?


You are on 80 mg of methadone What is stronger for break through pain roxicodone it 30 mg or Dilaudid 8 mg?

dilaudid is stronger then roxicodone if you are on methadone

How many mg are in 60 ml of methadone?

60 mg when they mix it in the clinic, powder in to juice 1mil= 1mg,5 mil juice =5mg,and so on.

What is the street price for methadone 5 mg?

5mg of Methadone tends to be about $5.

What are the reasons that some people would use methadone and others can only tolerate LAAM?

methadone is a substitute for heroin. it taakes away the cravings from heroin and u should not use methadone & heroin cuz depending on the mg of methadone your on the methadone blocks the heroin when you do it (heroin)..

Can you take 180mg of pill form methadone?

NO! Methadone doesn't even come in 180 mg pills, which is a dosage high enough to kill you. The maximum dosage that can be safely taken at one time is 20 mg, but the average dosage is 10 mg at a time. So in order to take 180 mg at one time, you would have to take 18 of the 10 mg pills, which would be fatal.

What is the highest mg that methadone comes in?

To the best of my knowledge the highest is 50 mg

What is stronger 100 micro grams of Fentanyl or 85 mg of methadone?

100 micro grams of fentanyl is stronger than the 85 mg of methadone.