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Q: Why would someone get heavy nose bleeds every day for a week and then none for a few months and than heavy again?
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What is a dogs heat?

A heat cycle, or season, is like a human period. The dog bleeds and is able to conceive during this time. It happens every six months in dogs and lasts for around two weeks.

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most dogs will get their first season around 6/7 months and every 6 months after that.In many pugs this can be much later and subsequent seasons can be anything from every 6 months to once a year.

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yes every 3 times in 18 months

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every couple of months or whenever you give it to someone else -apex

What do you call every 3 months?

Every three months there is a change in the seasons. Winter, including the months of December, January, and February, lead to Spring. Spring includes the months of March, April, and May. Summer, the months of June, July, and August, follows after Spring. Autumn includes the months of September, October, and November. The cycle repeats itself as you move into December again.

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It is not fake but every time someone bids the time starts over again.

If your dog went into heat 2 months ago when will she go into heat again?

Most dogs go into heat once every six months, so your dog still has another 4 months until her next cycle.

Define the terms annually and semiannuall and quarterly?

Once every 12 months, once every 6 months, once every 3 months