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I have had breast augmentation 2 years ago and I am quite satisfied with the results (I went from A cup to C cup) I got it done from a clinic in Toronto. Dr. Ronald Levine was my surgeon. The recovery went quite well, took around 7 months. I had to wear compression garments for few months for a better result.

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1w ago

Someone may choose to undergo eyelid plastic surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, to address droopy or sagging eyelids, reduce puffy bags under the eyes, or improve vision obstructed by excess eyelid skin. It can also help improve overall facial appearance and boost self-confidence.

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Perhaps they do not appreciate themselves as much as they should... It is also possible that someone could have been burned severely or that they were born with a deformity which required it.

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Has Gloria Vanderbilt had plastic surgery?

Gloria Vanderbilt admitted to undergoing cosmetic procedures, such as facelifts and eyelid surgery, in her autobiography. She was open about her experiences with plastic surgery and didn't shy away from discussing the topic.

Did Park Bom really have plastic surgery?

Park Bom has openly admitted to having multiple plastic surgery procedures, including double eyelid surgery, a nose job, and chin surgery. She has been candid about her experiences with plastic surgery and the pressures she faced in the K-pop industry.

What is Korean Plastic Surgery?

Korean plastic surgery refers to the cosmetic enhancement procedures popular in South Korea. The country is known for its advanced techniques and skilled surgeons in procedures such as double eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, and jawline contouring. The trend of plastic surgery in Korea is influenced by societal norms and a desire for Westernized beauty standards.

What are the most frequent plastic surgery operations?

The most frequent plastic surgery operations include breast augmentation, liposuction, nose reshaping (rhinoplasty), eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), and facelifts. Each of these procedures aims to enhance one's appearance by reshaping or enhancing specific features.

What are some details for having eyelid plastic surgery?

Eyelid plastic surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a procedure done to improve the appearance of the eyelids. It can involve removing excess skin, fat, or muscle to reduce drooping or puffiness. It is typically performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, and recovery time can vary from a few days to a couple of weeks.

Related questions

Where can one go to find information on eyelid plastic surgery?

"Eyelid plastic surgery must be done by a cosmetic surgeon. You can go to a cosmetic surgery center in person to ask about it, or you can find out about it online."

What is the price range for eyelid plastic surgery?

The price of eyelid plastic surgery varies greatly depending on where one has it done. Prices can reach nearly $10,000 but the average cost is between $3,000 and $4,000.

What are the different procedures for face plastic surgery?

"There are at least 5 types of facial plastic surgery that can be performed. They are: facelift, rhinoplasty, lip augmentation, eyelid surgery and browlift surgery."

What is the procedure name for lower eyelid surgery?

The actual name for the procure for the lower eyelid is Blepharoplasty. Blephar is the medical term for eyelid and plasty is the medical term for molding or formation commonly associated with plastic surgery.

Where can one go for an eyelid lift in Toronto?

An eyelid lift must be performed by a certified plastic surgeon. The best location in Toronto to have this procedure done is the Toronto Plastic Surgery Center.

Double eyelid surgery is what type of surgery?

Double eyelid surgery is a cosmetic procedure performed by a licensed facial plastic surgeon. It is done to crease a crease in the eyelid for a more pronounced appearance. It is mostly performed on those who have lost a tremendous amount of weight and have excess skin around the eye.

How many plastic surgeons in Anchorage, AK offer blepharoplasty surgery?

There are nine surgeons listed that offer eyelid surgery in Anchorage.

Did sooyoung really have a plastic surgery?

All Of them had double eyelid surgery, and some had additional. However, it's not that big of a deal for a celebrity to get cosmetic surgery in Korea.

Has Gloria Vanderbilt had plastic surgery?

Gloria Vanderbilt admitted to undergoing cosmetic procedures, such as facelifts and eyelid surgery, in her autobiography. She was open about her experiences with plastic surgery and didn't shy away from discussing the topic.

What type of surgery is upper eyelid blepharoplasty?

The surgery known as Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty is a surgery that is conducted on the upper eyelid in an attempt to make the upper eyelid more appealing to the individual. There is also a surgery for the lower eyelid as well called Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty. This surgery is done to make the lower eyelid more appealing to the individual as well.

Did Park Bom really have plastic surgery?

Park Bom has openly admitted to having multiple plastic surgery procedures, including double eyelid surgery, a nose job, and chin surgery. She has been candid about her experiences with plastic surgery and the pressures she faced in the K-pop industry.

Where can I find information about eyelid lift surgery?

You can information on eyelid lift surgery at Here you can find out what is done and what the risks of the surgery are.