

Why would someone have to owe the IRS?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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Foolish planning an ignorance are the 2 main reasons. That tax is a fact of life can't really be reasonably considered to be unexpected to anyone otherwise.

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Q: Why would someone have to owe the IRS?
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If you owe the IRS can you still get refund?

Yes, but they will first deduct any amount you owe from what your refund would be.

What if you owe IRS but have a refund?

If you owe money to the IRS for prior years taxes, and you have a refund due to you on this year's taxes, the IRS will keep the refund and apply it towards the debt that you owe.

Can tax software help me even if I owe the IRS?

If you owe the irs you should contact a tax professional.

Where online can i find out if you owe back taxes?

You would not be able to get this information online from the IRS. You may be able to find out by contacting your local IRS in person and asking some at the local office if they can assist you with finding out if you owe the IRS any back taxes.

Can you marry and owe the IRS?

Marriage does not absolve you of your debts to the IRS or anyone else. And debtors are not restricted from getting married if they can find someone foolish enough to want to marry them.

Can you get a US passport if you owe the IRS and what if you already have a passport will you be denied to leave or return to the US if you owe the IRS for back taxes?

If you owe back taxes to the IRS and the IRS is currently trying to collect from you, you need to resolve your tax issue. The IRS will not stop you from abtaining a passpert or leaving the country unless you are being ivestigated criminally. That would be the work of the CID division of the IRS. They investigate taxpayers who are criminally negligent for defraudung the IRS or criminally negligent on back taxes. Hopefully you are not in this situation. A resolution is an agreement between you and the IRS to pay back the taxes you owe. As long as you have a resolution the IRS will not enforce collections against you. More answers can be found at my blog.

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How to find people that owe the IRS?

There is no way to find people who owe the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). These types of lists are not public information.

How long does it take the irs to take there money you owe them Will my tax refund be offset even though the irs process my tax return?

Yes if you owe the IRS money your tax refund will be offset, and usually if they are aware that you owe them money, they will offset it immediately.

Do you owe IRS back taxes?


You owe money on a repossessed car but the car was refinanced to someone else do you still owe?

I believe you would owe the difference. If you owed 10,000 on the vehicle and it was repossessed and someone else bought it for 8,000 you would owe 2,000.

Why would the IRS put a freeze on your bank accounts?

If you are confident that you know that the IRS is the agency now in charge of your bank account, it may be that you owe the IRS money. Best practices dictate that you call the IRS and work out the details of your situation with them.