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because they wanted everyone to believe that the violence was a response by the public.

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Q: Why would the Nazis tell the German people that the government had not ordered kristallnacht?
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Why did the kristallnacht happen?

The German government wanted to create the impression that the German people were unhappy with the Jews. The purported reason was that the German people were unhappy with the assassination of a German diplomat by a Jew.

Why would the Nazis tell the German people that the government had not order kristallnaght?

becaue they wanted everyone to think that Kristallnacht was a public response.

When did kristallnacht happen and what was kristallnacth?

Kristallnacht was triggered by the assassination in France of a German diplomat, Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a German-born Polish Jew. In a coordinated attack on Jewish people and their property, 91 Jews were murdered and some 30,000 were arrested and deported to concentration camps. More than 200 synagogues were destroyed and thousands of homes and businesses were ransacked. Kristallnacht also served as a pretext and a means for the wholesale confiscation of firearms from German Jews

Where were the 30000 arrested men sent during the kristallnacht?

Kristallnacht was triggered by the assassination in Paris of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a German-born Polish Jew. In a coordinated attack on Jewish people and their property, 91 Jews were murdered and 25,000 to 30,000 were arrested and placed in concentration camps.

What was the night of the shattered glass?

Kristallnacht or Reichskristallnacht is German for the night when the Nazis attacked Jewish people, property and synagogues. Literally "crystal night" due to the amount of shattered glass left on the ground.

What did the ordinary German people think of kristallnacht?

According to reports gathered at the time by the group of journalists and informants working for Goebbels, feeling among the German population were mixed, and the pogrom did not have the kind of support the Nazis hoped for.

What does kristallnacht demonstrate about the power of the Nazi's?

Kristallnacht is the best example of the 'smoke and mirrors' theory on the Nazi dicatatorship. That the whole government was based on a falsehood, on the people's belief of what they were, rather than what they actually were. Kristallnacht was portrayed as the people taking revenge against the Jews, who had harmed them so much, where as in reality it was only (mainly) people who were told to by the party that undertook the actions. This demonstrates that the power of the Nazis was always in question, they were always worried that the people would not support them and in fact they were not a Dictatorship at all.

Who elected Hitler as a government?

The German people did.

Why and how did kristallnacht start?

A pogrom or series of coordinated attacks against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and parts of Austria on 9-10 November 1938, carried out by SA stormtroopers and civilians. German authorities looked on without intervening. The attacks left the streets covered with broken glass from the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues.

How many people trust German government?

64% trust their government, while 36% do not.

What kind of government was the Holocaust?

The holocaust was not a government, but the killing/murder of 6 million people because of who they were. The German government called it the "final solution" and carried it out with forethought and malice. It was a policy of the German government.

In 1923 why were German workers ordered to go on strike?

German workers were ordered to go on strike in 1923 as a response to the French occupation of the Ruhr region. The German government called for passive resistance, leading to strikes and protests by workers against the French occupation. This action was intended to disrupt economic activities and put pressure on the French to leave the region.