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They went into hiding in order to try to avoid being deported to a forced labour or extermination camp.

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Q: Why would the franks and hundreds of others go in to hiding?
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Why would the Franks and hundreds of others go into hiding?

The family of Anne Frank, as well as hundreds of other Jewish families, went into hiding to avoid being captured and sent to German concentration camps. The fate of Jewish people in these camps was usually forced labor and, often, torture and death.

Why did the franks put several layers of clothing on when they were going to their hiding place?

They couldn't carry luggage. They would look too suspicious.

Why do the franks decide to go into hiding when they do?

The Franks chose to go into hiding in the secret annex in Amsterdam to avoid persecution and deportation by the Nazis during World War II. It was a means of protecting themselves and attempting to survive the dangerous circumstances of the Holocaust.

Why did the anne franks parents tell the people they were going to Switzerland?

Anne Frank's parents, Otto and Edith, told people they were going to Switzerland to keep their plans of going into hiding a secret. By pretending to leave the country, they hoped to avoid suspicion and make their escape to the secret annex where they would hide during the Holocaust.

What would you miss if you had to go in to hiding?

If I had to go into hiding, I would miss my family, friends, and daily routine the most. Additionally, I would miss the sense of freedom and security that comes with being able to move around and interact with others openly.

How much did a hiding spot cost during the holocaust?

it varied, some places would cost nothing, others would cost everything.

What did the Franks hope for while hiding in the annex?

Like many Jews who were in hiding, the Frank family hoped to avoid being captured by the Nazis, since that would mean certain death. They hoped they would survive the war and that the Nazis would be defeated. Sadly, someone betrayed the family, and told the Nazis where the Franks were being hidden. In August 1944, Anne, her sister, and her mother were shipped to concentration camps, where they died. Otto was also sent to a concentration camp but somehow managed to survive until Russian troops liberated him and other prisoners. But he was the only member of the family who made it out alive.

What would happen to those in hiding if they got sick and required medical care in anne frank?

If someone in hiding, like Anne Frank, got sick and needed medical care, it would have posed a significant risk to their safety. Seeking medical attention outside could have exposed their secret hiding place to authorities or others who would betray them. They would have likely had to rely on home remedies or clandestine medical help from trusted individuals within the hiding place.

What contact do the franks and van daan have with the outside world?

The Franks and Van Daans have limited contact with the outside world while in hiding. They receive news and support through a network of kind individuals who assist them in obtaining food, supplies, and information about the war. However, they must remain cautious to avoid detection by the Nazis.

Where would you find anne franks house?


When would miep gilles visit the franks?

At the end of the day

What is the main beach in Florida?

Those most popular beaches would be Cocoa, Daytona, and Miami. There are hundreds of others that are just as nice though.