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to build hotels

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Q: Why would the government want to drain wetland such as the everglades?
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Why would you not find swampland in the everglades?

The Everglades is a swamp.

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Is the Great Dismal Swamp a wetland?

Well... it is a swamp so that would make it a wetland wouldn't it? (yes it would!)

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wht would u see hear touch smell in a wetland

Which would be the best source for a problem solution essay about building homes in a wetland area?

The Environmental Protection Agency, a government agency that analyzes changes in the environment

What two huge marshy area covers Florida?

One would be the Everglades

Why are wetland are important to ecosystems?

be cause wetland are so inprotant because if wetlands didnt exict whenever it would rain we would mosty get flodded

What are some Wetland consumers?

some wetland consumers are owls, rattle snakes, bull frogs, etc

A dam is removed upriver from a wetland causing the river to bring much more freshwater to the wetland. What types of species in the wetland would be most negatively affected by this ch?

uh ygvbbgg

How would the destruction of wetland adversly impact living organisms?

They would hurt them because the wetland is their home and abiotic and biotic factors cant make a environment

How would you describe the everglades in florida?

The Everglades is the largest subtropical wilderness in the U.S. There are rare and endangered species in the Everglades.

In which state would you find the Everglades?
