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Because there are several species of animals there that don't exist anywhere else in the world.

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Pearline Blick

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Q: Why would the isolation of galapagos island attract scientist such as Darwin?
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What species have evolved due to geographic isolation?

Galapagos Finches (Darwin's)

What important scientist did research on galapagos islands?


What famous scientist developed his theories after visiting galapagos?

Charles Darwin

What species did Darwin find on the Galapagos Islands?

Geographic isolation of a common ancestral species of finches

What are two examples of species that evolved due to geographic isolation?

Galapagos finches (Darwin's finches)

What significant scientist spent time in Galapagos Island before writing On the Origin of Species?

Charles Darwin

What puzzled Darwin about the Galapagos finch?

Darwin was puzzled about the many adaptations of the finches on the Galapagos Islands

What scientist who developed the popular theory of evolution did some of his research in South America's Galapagos Islands?

Charles Robert Darwin

Darwin thought the birds he collected from the Galapagos were different types of birds but he learned that they were different types of finches that each came from a different island in the Galapagos.?

Darwin discovered that the finches were once the same species. Due to isolation, each island produced variations of the original finch species.

Why was Charles Darwin interested in the Galapagos island?

What intrested Charles Darwin about the Galapagos Islands was the evolution.

What puzzled Darwin about Galapagos finches?

Darwin was puzzled about the many adaptations of the finches on the Galapagos Islands

What scientists studied the Galapagos islands?

Charles Darwin is one of the most famous scientists to study the Galapagos Islands. Other notable scientists include David Lack, Peter and Rosemary Grant, and Joseph Connell, all of whom have contributed valuable research to the understanding of the unique biodiversity found on the islands.