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Q: Why would the note about Martha's asthma have been important?
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Are there any natural asthma remedies?

Many natural remedies, like herbs, yoga and acupuncture claim to treat asthma. As of 2012, none of these remedies have been proven to reduce the effects of asthma in clinical studies that doctors would approve.

Can a dog cure childrens asthma?

i believe so i had asthma all my life until i got my yorkie poo. its been a year since i had asthma

Is a post exercise cough, with no other signs or symptoms, enough to be considered asthma?

If the individual has never been diagnosed with asthma then the coughing experienced after working out would not be a sufficient amount of information for a doctor to make a diagnosis of asthma. The physician would suggest the patient keep records of any other time it is hard to breath or hard to catch their breath. Doctor would also provide the patient with information about asthma and other early warning signs.

If my husband has asthma will a pekingese dog make him have a attack?

I have asthma and ive had a pekingese for 2 years and its been fine for me personally. they do shed though so it depends on his triggers i would think. =) I hope this helps a little.

Do people who occasionally get breath shortages have asthma?

I believe if you are having breathing shortages every once in a while then it would probably be ok but if it happens all the time then you more than likely have asthma and i am telling what i know because i have it myself. I have had bronchitis and it was effecting my breathing. My Dr. said from the way that I was breathing it could become asthma. Lately I've been having trouble breathing and chest pains. I have also been experiencing breath shortages. Could this be asthma?

Can bearded dragons cause asthma?

No, i have owned two bearded dragons over the past ten years and i dont have asthma. And there have been no documented reports about getting asthma from bearded dragons.

How can you spread asthma?

Asthma is not transmitted like an infection (eg. the flu, colds, etc.). Rather it tends to be a condtion a person is born with, or born with the tendancy to get asthma later on in life. Asthma attacks (when a person with asthma begins to struggle to breathe) are brought on by exercise, pollutants (cigarette smoke, city smog), allergens (pollen), even cold air.

Is reactive airway disease same as asthma Because I don't have asthma but my doctor told me that I have RAD?

Reactive Airway Disease is the new term that has been given to recurrent episodes of asthma flare-ups.

Does Barack Obama have asthma?

No, it has not been reported that he has asthma. One of his daughters has allergies, but as far as we know, the president is quite healthy and has no difficulties with his breathing.

How natural asthma remedies function?

Asthma is one of the many ailments that have been known to mankind as one of the top menace makers. Globally every year people meet their deaths as a result of asthma attacks. Basically, it is not the asthma that kills people but the complications that come as a freebie with it.

Could have asthma type symptoms after taking metoprolol?

I have both asthma and high blood pressure and am taking metoprolol. I was very concerned that this would work against my asthma so I had very detailed conversations with both my asthma doctor and my regular doctor. Its been 3 years now since starting metoprolol. My BP is under control and so is my asthma. Although metoprolol should work against your asthma - only thing I experienced was a slight cough when i first started. I suggest you talk with both your doctors at length about taking this drug with asthma. There are other HP drugs out there - but metoprolol is the tried and true one. Talk with your doctors.

What research has been done on veganism?

A significant study of veganism was published in 1985 in the Journal of Asthma, which used a vegan diet to treat asthma. After one year, 92% of patients exhibited significant improvement in asthma symptoms