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As the paint dries themoisture in the paint goes into the air and would tend to collect on the cold water pipe. Should stop fairly quickly.

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Q: Why would the water pipe start moisturizing after you paint your walls?
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Dry latex paint can sometimes be reactivated with water because latex paint is water-based. When water is applied, it softens the paint's surface, making it easier to wipe off. This is especially common with matte or flat finishes that have not been properly cured.

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It is paint mixed with pigment in such a way that all components are water soluble. We used to get paint kits with 8 to 10 colors that you would use a wet paint brush with.

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if you paint red walls gray primer may be the best but it depends what kid of paint but mostly yes and it will make your wonderful walls look like it was dong by a professional, so if you use red paint with bear hugs paint it wont work and you can take it off very easily with water or wet towels or just paint white on top and paing any color you want .

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Why does paint that has cured for over one month scratch off walls. Walls were clean and painted latex over latex with a premium primer all in one paint?

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What Is Emulsion Paint?

Emulsion is simply the British name for latex based paint.

What type of paint should you use on your dining room walls?

Latex (water based paint) is generally used for the dining room or front room walls. Oil based paints are generally used in the kitchen and bathroom, but Latex paint has come such a long way you can even use it in both those rooms as well.

You used a semi gloss paint in the bathrooms and were you dry your hands you can see water marks and drips were it hits the walls What can you do next time to prevent this?

If this is a commercial setting, an epoxy or an oil based paint can be used to prevent water marks and drips. In the residential setting, a polymer type of paint can be used.