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Q: Why would there be 2 different names on a military dog tag?
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What are the names of different dog food?

another name for dog food is alpo

Is Georgia a good name for a dog?

Well, it depends on your taste in dog names and what the dog looks like. If you prefer names like Fido or Rex, then I would say no. If the dog doesn't look like a Georgia to you, then I would also say no. But if you like the name and how it matches your dog's appearance, then Georgia is a good dog name for your dog. I personally like names that have to do with states, flowers, and colors.

Tagalog names of dog in the Philippines in different dialects?

Some Tagalog names for dog in different Philippine dialects are: Ilokano - Asong Bisaya - Iro or iro Waray - Iro Kapampangan - Asu

What is a dog robber in the military?

A dog robber is an aide to a military officer.

What is the names of the cat and dog in cat dog?

Their names are just Cat and Dog!

What is a dog name that means vigilant?

Argus or Gus are Dutch names meaning "watchful or vigilant." these would make good dog names. If the dog is a female, Casey is an Irish name meaning "vigilant.". Of course these are fine human names as well.

Names and information about different types of animal and plant cells?

Animal cells have a plasma membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus. Plant cells contain chloroplasts, a cell wall, large central vacuole, and plastids in addition to the structures found in animal cells. Each type of cell has unique characteristics that reflect their functions and adaptations.

What is name for a female dog?

Are you asking what a female dog is called? If so, a female dog can be referred to as a 'bitch', and a male dog would be referred to as a 'dog'.If you are looking for dog names, there are lots and lots of online sites for dog names. In that case, I have attached website links to this answer.

Is cheeseburger a good name for a dog?

The dog will eat it for sure - but one cheeseburger is not a problem.

Australian names for dog?

Depends on the species of dog on the names.

Is Laney a good name for a dog?

All people have different opinions, especially including names. In my opinion Laney is a nice name for a dog.

what would you name a dog?

See Related Link for names for dogs.