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State law calls for only 6 jurors and 1 alternate for all criminal cases except capital cases. the US Supreme Court held in Williams vs Florida that 6 jurors are sufficient under the 6th Amendment. Interestingly, an eminent domain case gets 12 jurors. If the state is going to take your house and pay you for it you get 12 jurors; if you're facing life in prison 6 will do.

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Each state has a different amount of jurors for trials, as well as backups. In the George Zimmerman case, there are 6 jurors. The trial is held in Satsuma, Florida. Florida law only requires 6 jurors for such a case; that's all the jurors required in this state for this type of charges. The US Supreme Court has ruled that such juries in state criminal trials do not violate the protections of the US federal constitution.

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If the procedure happens to exist in that particular state, the individual will first be indicted by a GRAND JURY. When brought to trial their case will be tried by a PETIT JURY. In states with no Grand Jury system, only a Petit Jury is involved.

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a person of a jury picked by the jury or the judge

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Yes, a jury decides if a person is guilty or not guilty.

How frequently can you serve on a jury?

When a person is selected to serve on a petit jury, they will be on call for a period of three months. During this time they will only be called in a few times. The number of times they can serve will differ depending on the needs of that particular court.

What is the name of the person who reads the verdict on a jury?

Jury Foreman (or Forewoman)

How many people sit on a jury Australia?

It depends on which court you are talking about Magistrate's court - no jury, only the judge County court - 6 people Supreme court - 6/12 people ? High court - 12 people

What is the Person who hears summary jury trials is called?

A person who hears summary jury trials is called an ombudsman.