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I have no idea, they're relatively small so they wouldn't even be able to get that much blood out of them.

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Q: Why would vampires like sugar gliders?
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What are sugar gliders pouches like?

sugar gliders tend to have the same poch as a kangaroo

How do sugar gliders breathe?

sugar gliders breath just like humans do. They have lungs just like us

Does a sugar glider have a pouch?

Yes. Sugar gliders do have a pouch. They are marsupials.

How does a sugar glider Breath?

sugar gliders are just like humans.they have lungs just like humans!

Are baby sugar gliders called joeys?

Yes. Like the young of all marsupials, baby sugar gliders are called joeys.

What kind of animals are sugar gliders?

Flying-Squirrel-like Marsupial

Do sugar gliders like tree leaves and bark?

This seems to depend on the type of leaves and bark given to the sugar glider, and of course the individual sugar glider. My own gliders love eucalyptus leaves, but I know of many gliders that do not. Before you attempt to introduce any sort of leaves and bark to your sugar gliders, please be sure that it is not toxic, and that it has been properly cared for (no pesticides).

Can a baby female sugar glider be put with a 4 year old sugar glider?

Putting sugar gliders of the same sex and different ages is not a good idea. You should pair sugar gliders when they are young and both the same sex or if male and female they should be neutered otherwise gliders have a tendency to reproduce like crazy.

How sugar gliders produce sound?

i think like a you or me but i have herd that they crab when they are not happy i think.

What is the food chain of the sugar glider?

Sugar Gliders eat things like fruit, vegetables, and protein such as warms and crickets

What do you call a young sugar glider?

Sugar gliders are marsupials; therefore, like all marsupials, the correct name for their young are joeys.

What is an owl's diet what does an owl eat?

small mamals like mice voles and sugar gliders