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Q: Why would you be given Provera in first trimester of pregnancy?
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to make your pregnancy normal. as far i know its given when your HCG levels decrease.

Does the Depo-Provera injection begin to work immediately?

If the injection is given between the first and last day of your menstrual flow, the protection against pregnancy begins immediately.

Can provera abort a 2mos pregnant?

Depo-Provera is not used as an abortifactant, but if given to a woman who is pregnant, it can cause miscarriage. That is why a doctor will make you take a pregnancy test before they will prescribe it to you.

What about sedation in 2nd trimester of pregnancy?

It depends what you mean by early pregnancy, and for what reason. If you need sedation for your own health the minimum will be given.

By what routes is depo provera given?

Depo Provera can be given intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

Some say the hormone Provera does not cause a miscarraige some say it does which to you take am so confussed?

Provera is a hormone usually given to re-start menstruation after a missed period or irregular periods. For example, many women cannot take steroids (say for pneumonia) because it stops their periods. Provera is ordered as a short dose, usually 10 days, to bring on menses. Sometimes, though, a period brought about by Provera can end up being a 10-day on, 10-day off cycle, which then requires another hormone to re-regulate the cycle. Since Provera brings on a period, never take it during pregnancy, at any stage. Make sure all physicians and your pharmacy knows you are pregnant, especially in the first trimester or if you happen to be a heavier woman which may make it harder for people to realize you are pregnant. All hormones have risks, especially during pregnancy. Discuss all meds with your doctor and be sure you know any new meds prescribed to you.

How is Depo-Provera used?

Depo Provera is a hormonal medication that is given by injection every three months

What evaluation should pregnant women with Marfan syndrome be given during each trimester?

It is recommended that patients have an echocardiogram during each of the three trimesters of pregnancy.

Can pregnant women take pliva 334?

In first trimester your Doctor would like to avoid this medication containing Metronidazole. But ifnecessary, it may be given for minimum period. From second trimester, it can be given, without much hesitation.

Can you have a Depo-Provera injection once a month?

No, Depo Provera is given about every three months, not every month.

Does it matter when you get the first depo shot?

Yes, don't take the first one if you think your pregnant. Wait until you know for sure, then start. Taking it while there is a fetus inside you will kill it and you will abort the pregnancy.

Does Depo-Provera prevent pregnancy?

when started my depo, i still had bleeding in the first 3 months. but after my 2nd shot. on my 6th month. NO BLEEDING. but to me it still felt like i was having a period. cramps, bloating, senative nipples. and no pregency.