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Capillaries, which are the smallest of the blood vessels, are the site of gas exchange...carbon dioxide diffuses out of surrounding cells into the gills to be lost into the environment, and oxygen diffuses from the environment into the gill cells and then surrounding tissues. The gills function like the lungs of a fish, so large numbers of capillaries in these structures function to supply oxygen/get rid of waste carbon dioxide for the organism.

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Q: Why would you expect gills to have an exceptionally large number of capillaries?
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Why fish are red?

The gills are sided by a series of capillaries. Capillaries are small blood vessels. These capillaries are used to transport oxygen from the gills throughout the fish.

Where the exchange of gases is take place in the fish?

Across the alveoli and capillaries.

Why are fish gills red?

it may be because of your water quality! change your water and add some sea salt because you may have high ammonia in your tank,or your fish may be depressed by not being welcomed into its tank properly,did you cycle your tank before you got the fish and welcome your fish slowly into its new home?

Which lists all of the components of an animal's circulatory system?

The lungs (or gills), blood, veins/arteries/capillaries, and heart.

How octopus breath by lungs or gills or trachea?

The beak-like mouth of an octopus is located on the mantel cavity at the back of the bulbous head of the octopus, surrounded by the eight legs. The mouth is the entryway to the mantle cavity which has gills inside of it. The octopus uses these gills to breathe. Water is brought into the octopus mouth and is then passed through the gills back into the body of water. As the water is pushed over the surface of the gills, oxygen is picked up by the blood in the capillaries of the gills.

How is respetory gas exchange maximised in fish gills?

Gills are composed of thousands of filaments which are covered in lamellae (only a few cells thick and contain blood capillaries). This creates a large surface area and a short distance for gas exchange.

Through which organ do fish get oxygen?

Those would be the gills. which are composed of many filaments. Gill filaments have rows of thin, vertical lamellae with many capillaries covered by a single layer of cells. Gills are really thin.

Why do gills have a large surface area and are rich in blood?

because in many organisms like fish etc it is an organ for respiration the gills are supplied with capillaries so that the oxygen absorbed can diffuse into the blood it has large surface area so that more oxygen can be diffused in and more co2 can be removed

Servicing the capillaries is the basic function of the organs of the circulatory system Explain this statement?

The capillaries are where the actual transfer of oxygen to the cells happen making it the absolute essential part of the system. The lungs/gills/skin whole job is to get oxygen into the bloodstream so that the capillaries have oxygen to transfer to the cells. The hearts whole job is to supply enough pressure to circulate the blood past the capillaries so it constantly has new oxygenated blood to transfer oxygen to the cells. --Ryan F

Which animal uses its gills to strain food particles out of water?

There are a great number of animals that use their gills to strain food particles out of the water. Fish do this.

Which animal uses its gills to strain food particles out of the water?

There are a great number of animals that use their gills to strain food particles out of the water. Fish do this.

What is the average amount of gills a fish has?

Just as we have a left and a right Lung, fish have left and right gills, so they all have two sets of gills.The average is two because the number of gills for all fish is two