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Q: Why would you never use direct sunlight for your light in a microscope?
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What is the purpose of a mirror in a microscope?

The purpose of a mirror is to reflect light through the diaphragm, the specimen, the objective lens, and body tube and into your eye so you can see the image. Never use sunlight when using a microscope with a mirror, as it could damage your retinas.

Does the moon have both sun light and darkness?

one side of the moon receives light from the sun and the other will never get light..that side is called the dark side of the yes the moon is dark and also receives sunlight...(the moon does not make any of its own light)

Which star is never seen in the night sky?

the sunlight

What advice would you give someone about how to collect light to shine into a microscope?

light is collected by a mirror at the base of the microscope. The mirror is held in special joints that allow it to move in any direction. The light comes from a lamp or from a sunless sky. It must never be collected directly from the sun as this can cause sever eye damage and blindness. Some microscopes have a built-in lamp instead of a mirror. The light either shines directly through a hole in the stage onto the specimen or it passes through a hole in a diaphragm.

What is the light side of the moon and what is the darkside of the moon?

The moon never produces light on it's own, it's rocks reflect sunlight - the "light side" is the visible side which we see from earth. The "dark side" is usually invisible to viewers on Earth, except during a solar eclipse or if light reflecting off the Earth briefly illuminates the dark side (earthshine).

Related questions

What are the three things you shouldn't do when using the microscope to view your own cells?

You should never use direct sunlight as a light source, never hold with one hand, and do not drop it.

What continents never have direct sunlight shining on them?

All continents receive direct sunlight for at least part of the year.

How much more direct sunlight does the polar region receive than the equator?

The polar regions never receive any direct sunlight.

What is the purpose of a mirror in a microscope?

The purpose of a mirror is to reflect light through the diaphragm, the specimen, the objective lens, and body tube and into your eye so you can see the image. Never use sunlight when using a microscope with a mirror, as it could damage your retinas.

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Do not let them get wet, keep out of direct sunlight, and never feed after midnight.

Are chromosomes visible in a eukariyotic cell?

Never visible to naked eye.Visible to light microscope during cell division

Can photosynthesis still take place even there is no sunlight but there is electric light?

Yes For instance: Many "home" orchid grower hobbyists grow their plants in their basement with only artificle light and never see sunlight

Who has experience 24 hours of day light?

At the north and south poles it is possible to get days which are completely light, and also days which never see any sunlight.

Does the body ever stop absorbing vitamin D from sunlight?

it never does unless u live in a dark room with no light.

Can compound microscopes see atoms?

No. No matter how powerful an optical microscope is, it can never be used to see atoms. Atoms are smaller than the wavelength of visible light. You can, however, view atoms using an electron microscope.

Which two areas on earth never get sun light?

There is no area on earth that never gets sunlight, except for a few isolated tiny places that are always shaded by adjacent mountains.

Would you get lighter then your original skin color if you never had sunlight?

No, you would not get lighter than your original skin color, unless you became vitamin malnourished thus making you pail. But that is not a direct cause of lack of sunlight that is just being unhealthy.