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Getting your tongue peirced in the first place is dangerous considering there is a major nerve that, if hit, would render your tongue completely dead. However, the fact that you can feel anything (even pain) is a good thing. It may be infected or just still hurting from the pierce. If it starts to puss, get to a doctor for an antibiotic. well, not trying to be rude--but if he/she is asking this question, they have already made up their mind and has their tongue pierced. And no, pain months after, is NOT a good thing. I have had mine done 2 weeks and it doesn't hurt a bit! Just a little funny colored and sometimes swells, but it doesn't hurt! And all the information I have read and gathered from my peers agree that a tongue piercing usually heals in 4-6weeks...after healing there should be NO pain. My advice is to go talk to your piercier. __________________ Any piercing ON ANYONE may take several months to heal COMPLETELY! Most cases it should take a tongue piercing about 6-8 weeks to heal completely; some take longer, like myself. My tongue piercing took about 3 months to heal completely. Some peoples immune system might not be efficient enough to heal adequately or as quick as the average person.

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15y ago
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12y ago

i have had my tongue peirced twice yes it is normal the swelling and the pain usually lasts for up to five days after it is peirced...just follow the irections and use plent of mouthwash half water half mouth wash and eat ice like will help want to keep using the mouth wash cause it will keep food particles out of the hole which if they do get lodged in there it can be very painful experience...

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10y ago

It varies from person to person. For sure it hurts the day after the most. The swelling is intense and its hard to eat. I'd say that the first 3-4 days are the worst.

IF you manage to eat anything, eat ice. It will reduce swelling.

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15y ago

I would check with your doctor, there are situations that can be serious in relation to infection and reaction to aftercare products. The advice this professional body piercer gives you is to contact your doctor asap.

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14y ago

If your teeth hurt you should be concerned about the material your barbell is made out of, mismatched metals can set up a reaction, this is called galvanic corrosion. This is where the unlike metals in your mouth in contact with saliva start to corrode. This corrosion can do several things, one of them is to make the base of the teeth sensitive. Changing the barbell to metals made of the same material can stop this reaction. Over use of oral rinses can also cause hypersensitivity in teeth and gums. Oral rinses should only be used when brushing the teeth in the morning and again at night, between these uses plain cold bottled water should be used to swish and swallow after meals and after anything take orally. Ice and other cold products with the exception of daily products should be used to control swelling. So if any of these have tripped bells, then you should alter your swelling control and aftercare routine or see your piercer to have the barbell changed to like materials.

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12y ago

Well depends have you been messing or pulling it cuz that may be the problem if not well it could be infected talk to someone who might know your problem

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18y ago

if it was beginning to get infected.

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Q: Why would your tongue start to hurt years after it was pierced?
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yes you can but you have to be 18 to get it done jk you have to be over 3 years of age

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18 years old, anything age under that you will need any of your parents consent

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This can be a sign of a possible infection or up comming cold, I would suggest you talk to your doctor.

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Yes but it would only be the size of the pierced hole.

Every one else is getting their tongue pierced so you should too.?

When I was a teen, my mom used to say to me, "If everyone else was jumping off of cliffs, would you?" In other words, be yourself. You don't have to do anything just because everyone else is. You are an individual. You CAN get your tongue pierced, but you also need to think of whether or not you want this twenty or thirty years from now. Is it that important to follow the crowd?

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Something could've got in it. Any type of foreign thing could've caused that. Ask a piercer about it..Call up someone.

How can you tell if you can get your tongue periced?

I am a professional piercer and as long as the piercer is comfortable with piercing a tongue that short, then it IS ok. I have pierced many tongues that could not extend past the teeth or lip. They have healed up fine as well, and no signs of rejection occurred, though the likelihood of rejection raises significantly the closer to the tip of the tongue you are.

Can you get your tongue pierced when it is short?

Yes but this needs to be done by an experienced professional body piercer with over 5 years of experience behind them, this is no job for a rookie

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You should go a professional and get it checked out and ask them if it is normal. If NOT go immiately to a doctor/hospital.